// Copyright (c) 2005 DMTF. All rights reserved. // Add UmlPackagePath // qualifier values to CIM Schema. // ================================================================== // PRS_Attachment // ================================================================== [Version ( "2.6.0" ), UMLPackagePath ( "PRS::Support" ), Description ( "PRS_Attachment describes file attachments. A PRS_Attachment " "may be associated to any object derived from " "PRS_ExchangeElement. PRS_Attachment is used to attach objects " "of any type including binary files, ASCII documents, or URLs. " "Only one object may be attached per PRS_Attachment. \n" "\n" "The actual attachment carried by the Attachment object is " "included by one of two methods: by reference or by value as " "embedded data. A \'by reference\' approach links indirectly to " "the attachment through the use of a string identifier, e.g. a " "file name. An \'embedded data\' approach means the actual " "binary data is included in PRS_Attachment." )] class PRS_Attachment : PRS_ExchangeElement { [Description ( "If the attachment is not embedded, where the attachment " "is located." )] string AttachmentReference; [Description ( "Protocol required to read the attachment (e.g., http)." )] string Protocol; [Description ( "The file format of the attachment." )] string Format; [Description ( "The size of the attachment in bytes." )] string AttachmentSize; [Description ( "The attachment itself, if embedded." )] string AttachmentObject; [Description ( "The purpose of the attachment, as related to the " "diagnosis. \'Instructions\' are compilable code. " "\'Background\' is descriptive information. \'Log\' is " "information captured in a log file." ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "254", "255" }, Values { "Instructions", "Background", "Log", "Unknown", "Undefined" }] uint8 AttachmentType; [Description ( "The displayable attachment identifier. Used to define " "what will appear as the name of the attachment, as " "opposed to the specific attachment file name or URL." )] string AttachmentName; };