// Copyright (c) 2005 DMTF. All rights reserved. // Add UmlPackagePath // qualifier values to CIM Schema. // ================================================================== // CIM_PrecedenceService // ================================================================== [Deprecated { "CIM_QoSService" }, Version ( "2.7.0" ), UMLPackagePath ( "CIM::Network::QoS" ), Description ( "This class represents a specialization of the general concept " "of forwarding network traffic by adding specific semantics " "that define how traffic is forwarded based on the value of the " "ToS byte of a packet. \n" "\n" "This class is used to enable DiffServ devices and non- " "DiffServ devices to exchange traffic. This is done by defining " "a sibling class, DiffServService, to represent devices that " "forward traffic based on the DiffServ code point. This enables " "the administrator to define mappings between devices that do " "not support DiffServ (and instead use IP Precedence) and those " "that do support DiffServ. \n" "\n" "PrecedenceService is deprecated since forwarding based on the " "value of the ToS byte is specified using a FilterList, which " "is associated with a ClassifierElement. If there is a need to " "distinguish a higher-level set of coordinated QoS services, " "the QoSService class can be instantiated directly." )] class CIM_PrecedenceService : CIM_QoSService { [Deprecated { "CIM_IPHeadersFilter.HdrDSCP" }, Description ( "This property is an 8-bit unsigned integer that defines " "the notion of precedence for different types of traffic." )] uint8 PrecedenceValue; };