// Copyright (c) 2005 DMTF. All rights reserved. [Association, Version ( "2.10.0" ), UMLPackagePath ( "CIM::Event" ), Description ( "A subclass of IndicationSubscription that defines the text " "formatting of Indication information. The " "TextFormatOwningEntity, TextFormatID, TextFormat, and " "TextFormatParameters properties are used to describe a " "human-readable representation of the Indication as defined by " "the referenced CIM_IndicationFilter. This representation MAY " "be used by the CIM_ListenerDestination when the intended " "consumer of the Indication is human. For example, this format " "could be used when writing the Indication to a system log or " "sending an e-mail notification to a system administrator." )] class CIM_FormattedIndicationSubscription : CIM_IndicationSubscription { [Description ( "The TextFormatOwningEntity is a string that uniquely " "identifies the entity that owns the definition of the " "human-readable format described in this instance. " "OwningEntity MUST include a copyrighted, trademarked or " "otherwise unique name that is owned by the business " "entity or standards body defining the format." ), ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_FormattedIndicationSubscription.TextFormatID", "CIM_FormattedIndicationSubscription.TextFormat", "CIM_FormattedIndicationSubscription.TextFormatParameters" }] string TextFormatOwningEntity; [Description ( "An opaque string that uniquely identifies, within the " "scope of the TextFormatOwningEntity, a human-readable " "format for representing the Indications described by " "this Subscription." ), ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_FormattedIndicationSubscription.TextFormatOwningEntity", "CIM_FormattedIndicationSubscription.TextFormat", "CIM_FormattedIndicationSubscription.TextFormatParameters" }] string TextFormatID; [Description ( "A string describing the human-readable format for " "representing the Indications described by this " "Subscription. The actual text is constructed by applying " "the dynamic content, defined in the Indication, to the " "string specified in this property. /n /n The dynamic " "content is specified by embedding the following syntax " "in the appropriate places in the format string: \n" "\"{\" [\"[\"[]\"]\"],\"}\" \n" "- the first occurrence of defines the element of " "TextFormatParameters that contains the name of the " "Indication property to be used to populate the text message.\n" "- if the Indication property defined by the first " " is an array property, then the first index MUST " "be followed by either empty brackets (i.e., []) or an " "index value enclosed in brackets (e.g., [1]). If empty " "brackets are specified (e.g., {4[], string}), then the " "dynamic content of the text message is populated with a " "list of the array elements. If an index is specified " "(e.g., {4[1], string}, then only the specified array " "element is used to populate the message. If the value of " "the dynamic content is not defined in the Indication, " "then the string \"UNKNOWN\" is used to populate the text message.\n" "- defines the type of the dynamic content. Valid " "values for are: \'boolean\', \'string\', " "\'char16\', \'uint8\', \'sint8\', \'uint16\', \'sint16\', " "\'uint32\', \'sint32\', \'uint64\', \'sint64\', " "\'datetime\', \'real32\', \'real64\' or \'ref\'. \n" "\n" "The string encoding for the dynamic content MUST conform " "to the MOF Syntax Grammar described in the CIM " "Infrastructure Specification. The string encoding for a " "list of array elements MUST conform to the definition of " "the arrayInitializer element.\n" "As an example, a format string for a UPS AlertIndication " "could be defined as follows: \"A {4,string} UPS Alert of " "type {5,uint16} was detected on the device {6,string} on " "the system {2,string} at {1,datetime}. The following " "actions have been recommended to resolve the alert: " "{3[],string}\"." )] string TextFormat; [Description ( "An indexed array containing the names of properties " "defined in the select clause of the associated " "CIM_IndicationFilter Query. The values of these " "Indication properties are used to populate the dynamic " "content of the text message." ), ArrayType ( "Indexed" ), ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_FormattedIndicationSubscription.TextFormatOwningEntity", "CIM_FormattedIndicationSubscription.TextFormatID", "CIM_FormattedIndicationSubscription.TextFormat" }] string TextFormatParameters[]; };