// Copyright (c) 2007 DMTF. All rights reserved. // Make concreteAdd UmlPackagePath // qualifier values to CIM Schema. // Add enumerations // to SensorType for "Power Consumption" and "Power Production" // as well as the reserved enumerations that were missing. // Add PUnit qualifier values // to Units qualifier values. // change description. // add Pressure to SensorType // ================================================================== // CIM_Sensor // ================================================================== [Version ( "2.16.0" ), UMLPackagePath ( "CIM::Device::Sensors" ), Description ( "A Sensor is an entity capable of measuring or reporting the " "characteristics of some physical property - for example, the " "temperature or voltage characteristics of a Computer System." )] class CIM_Sensor : CIM_LogicalDevice { [Description ( "The Type of the Sensor, e.g. Voltage or Temperature " "Sensor. If the type is set to \"Other\", then the " "OtherSensorType Description can be used to further " "identify the type, or if the Sensor has numeric " "readings, then the type of the Sensor can be implicitly " "determined by the Units. A description of the different " "Sensor types is as follows: A Temperature Sensor " "measures the environmental temperature. Voltage and " "Current Sensors measure electrical voltage and current " "readings. A Tachometer measures speed/revolutions of a " "Device. For example, a Fan Device can have an associated " "Tachometer which measures its speed. A Counter is a " "general purpose Sensor that measures some numerical " "property of a Device. A Counter value can be cleared, " "but it never decreases. A Switch Sensor has states like " "Open/Close, On/Off, or Up/Down. A Lock has states of " "Locked/Unlocked. Humidity, Smoke Detection and Air Flow " "Sensors measure the equivalent environmental " "characteristics. A Presence Sensor detects the presence " "of a PhysicalElement. A Power Consumption Sensor " "measures the instantaneous power consumed by a managed " "element. A Power Production Sensor measures the " "instantaneous power produced by a managed element such " "as a power supply or a voltage regulator. A pressure " "sensor is used to report pressure." ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "..", "32768..65535" }, Values { "Unknown", "Other", "Temperature", "Voltage", "Current", "Tachometer", "Counter", "Switch", "Lock", "Humidity", "Smoke Detection", "Presence", "Air Flow", "Power Consumption", "Power Production", "Pressure", "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Reserved" }, ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_Sensor.OtherSensorTypeDescription" }] uint16 SensorType; [Description ( "A string describing the Sensor type - used when the " "SensorType property is set to \"Other\"." ), MaxLen ( 128 ), ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_Sensor.SensorType" }] string OtherSensorTypeDescription; [Description ( "PossibleStates enumerates the string outputs of the " "Sensor. For example, a \"Switch\" Sensor may output the " "states \"On\", or \"Off\". Another implementation of the " "Switch may output the states \"Open\", and \"Close\". " "Another example is a NumericSensor supporting " "thresholds. This Sensor can report the states like " "\"Normal\", \"Upper Fatal\", \"Lower Non-Critical\", " "etc. A NumericSensor that does not publish readings and " "thresholds, but stores this data internally, can still " "report its states." ), MaxLen ( 128 )] string PossibleStates[]; [Description ( "The current state indicated by the Sensor. This is " "always one of the \"PossibleStates\"." ), MaxLen ( 128 )] string CurrentState; [Description ( "The polling interval that the Sensor hardware or the " "instrumentation uses to determine the current state of " "the Sensor." ), Units ( "NanoSeconds" ), PUnit ( "second * 10^-9" )] uint64 PollingInterval; };