// Copyright (c) 2005 DMTF. All rights reserved. // Update of // descriptions based on Tech Edit review.Add UmlPackagePath // qualifier values to CIM Schema. // ================================================================== // CIM_ProvidesServiceToElement // ================================================================== [Association, Deprecated { "CIM_ServiceAvailableToElement" }, Version ( "2.10.0" ), UMLPackagePath ( "CIM::Core::Service" ), Description ( "Note: The use of the CIM_ProvidesServiceToElement class has " "been deprecated. Instead, ServiceAvailableToElement conveys " "the semantics of use, while the subclasses of " "ProvidesServiceToElement (or the ConcreteDependency " "association) describe dependency relationships. " "CIM_ProvidesServiceToElement was meant to generalize the " "ServiceServiceDependency association. This method indicates " "that ManagedElements can use the functionality provided by one " "or more Services. An example of the association is that a " "Processor and an enclosure (a PhysicalElement) can use " "AlertOnLAN Services to signal an incomplete or erroneous boot. " "In reality, AlertOnLAN is simply a HostedService on a computer " "system that is generally available for use and is not a " "dependency of the processor or enclosure. To describe that the " "use of the service might be restricted or have limited " "availability or applicability, the " "CIM_ServiceAvailableToElement association would be " "instantiated." )] class CIM_ProvidesServiceToElement : CIM_Dependency { [Deprecated { "CIM_ServiceAvailableToElement.ServiceProvided" }, Override ( "Antecedent" ), Description ( "Note: The use of this element is deprecated. Deprecated " "description: The Service provided." )] CIM_Service REF Antecedent; [Deprecated { "CIM_ServiceAvailableToElement.UserOfService" }, Override ( "Dependent" ), Description ( "Note: The use of this element is deprecated. Deprecated " "description: The ManagedElement that is dependent on the " "Service." )] CIM_ManagedElement REF Dependent; };