// Copyright (c) 2008 DMTF. All rights reserved. [Association, Version ( "2.20.0" ), UMLPackagePath ( "CIM::Core::Software" ), Description ( "ElementSoftwareIdentity allows a Managed Element to report its " "software related asset information (firmware, drivers, " "configuration software, and etc.)" )] class CIM_ElementSoftwareIdentity : CIM_Dependency { [Override ( "Antecedent" ), Description ( "A LogicalElement\'s Software Asset." )] CIM_SoftwareIdentity REF Antecedent; [Override ( "Dependent" ), Description ( "The ManagedElement that requires or uses the software." )] CIM_ManagedElement REF Dependent; [Description ( "Indicates the element\'s ability to upgrade this " "software asset.\n" "\'Resides off element\'(2), indicates the persistence of " "the software is outside of the element. Typically for a " "element this software is part of the OperatingSystem is " "typically upgradeable.\n" "\'Owner Upgradeable\' (3), indicates the persistence of " "the software is on the element and is upgradeable by the owner.\n" "\'FactoryUpgradeable\' (4),indicates the persistence of " "the software is on the element and is upgradeable by the manufacturer.\n" "\'Not Upgradeable\' (5), indicates the presistence of " "the software is on the element and is not upgradeable. " "(i.e. burned into a non replaceable ROM chip." ), ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "..", "0x8000..0xFFFF" }, Values { "Unknown", "Other", "Resides off device", "Owner Upgradeable", "Factory Upgradeable", "Not Upgradeable", "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Reserved" }, ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_ElementSoftwareIdentity.OtherUpgradeCondition" }] uint16 UpgradeCondition; [Description ( "Describes the upgrade condition, when UpgradeCondition " "is set to 1 (\"Other\")." ), ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_ElementSoftwareIdentity.UpgradeCondition" }] string OtherUpgradeCondition; [Description ( "A collection of properties describing the status of the " "software on the managed element. Multiple properties " "could be set at the same time. For example a " "ElementSoftwareStatus could have \"Installed\", " "\"Default\", \"Current\" and \"FallBack\" set at the " "same time. \n" "\"Current\" indicates that the software is currently " "running on or for the Managed Element. \n" "\"Next\" indicates that the software will run after the " "next reset or reboot unless superseded by a software " "with a status of \"SingleUse\". \n" "\"FallBack\" indicates that the software will be run if " "the software which has a status of \"Next\" or " "\"SingleUse\" fails to run. \n" "\"Default\" indicates the default version of the " "software that was originally shipped by the " "manufacturer. \n" "\"Installed\" indicates that the software is " "persistently located and is available for use on the " "Managed Element. \n" "\"SingleUse\" indicates that the software will run only " "after the next reset or reboot but will not run after " "the subsequent reset or reboot. \n" "\"Available\" indicates that the software is available " "for installation on the Managed Element. \n" "\"Supports\"indicates that the software will work with " "or operate the Managed Element but is or will be " "installed on a different Managed Element." ), ValueMap { "0", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "..", "32768..65535" }, Values { "Unknown", "Current", "Next", "FallBack", "Default", "Installed", "Single Use", "Available", "Supports", "DMTF Reserved", "Vendor Reserved" }] uint16 ElementSoftwareStatus[]; };