// Copyright (c) 2008 DMTF. All rights reserved. [Abstract, Version ( "2.19.0" ), UMLPackagePath ( "CIM::Application::J2eeAppServer" ), Description ( "CIM_J2eeManagedObject is a class for defining operations that " "may supported by all J2EE managed objects. It contains the " "attributes and methods that are common to all J2EE managed " "objects. The J2EE Managed objects - for eg. J2eeServer should " "participate in instances of the CIM_LogicalIdentity " "association with the corresponding instance of the " "J2eeManagedObject class. The start and stop methods of JSR77\'s " "J2eeManagedObject find an equivalent in the RequestStateChange " "method inherited from EnabledLogicalElement. Using " "Enabled/Disabled as inputs to RequestStateChange, one can " "effect start and stop." )] class CIM_J2eeManagedObject : CIM_EnabledLogicalElement { [Key, Override ( "InstanceID" ), Description ( "InstanceID identifies a unique instance of a J2EE " "ManagedObject\'s Capabilities in a given namespace. In " "order to ensure uniqueness, the value of InstanceID MUST " "be constructed using the form specified in JSR77. " "in order to avoid the need for manual key propagation." ), MappingStrings { "JSR77.JCP|JSR77. objectName|V1.0" }, ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_J2eeManagedObject.ElementName" }] string InstanceID; [Override ( "ElementName" ), Description ( "The name of a J2EE managed object. The name MUST be " "constructed using the form specified in JSR77. in " "order to avoid the need for manual key propagation." ), MaxLen ( 256 ), MappingStrings { "JSR77.JCP|JSR77. objectName|V1.0" }, ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_J2eeManagedObject.InstanceID" }] string ElementName; [Override ( "OperationalStatus" ), Description ( "The current state of the entity for J2ee managed objects " "that support state management. If the StateManageable " "property is FALSE, the value of this property MUST be " "set to 0 - Unknown. The mapping from the J2ee management " "states to OperationalStatus is as follows - " "j2ee.state.starting - Starting, j2ee.state.running - OK, " "j2ee.state.stopping - Stopping, j2ee.state.stopped - " "Stopped, and j2ee.state.failed - Error." ), ValueMap { "0", "2", "6", "8", "9", "10" }, Values { "Unknown", "OK", "Error", "Starting", "Stopping", "Stopped" }, MappingStrings { "JSR77.JCP|JSR77. state|V1.0" }, ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_J2eeManagedObjectCapabilities.StateManageable" }] uint16 OperationalStatus[]; [Description ( "The time that the J2EE managed object was started, " "represented as a datetime interval measured as the time " "interval since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00. If the " "StateManageable property of the " "CIM_J2eeManagedObjectCapabilities class is false, this " "value MUST be set to a zero time interval." ), MappingStrings { "JSR77.JCP|JSR77. startTime|V1.0" }, ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_J2eeManagedObjectCapabilities.StateManageable" }] datetime StartTime = "00000000000000.000000:000"; [Description ( "Starts the J2EE managed object. This operation can only " "be invoked in when State is Stopped. This method, causes " "State to become Starting initially, and eventually " "becomes the RUNNING state. Additionally, " "StartRecursive() is called on all the child " "StateManageable instances that are registered with this " "entity and are in the Stopped state. The method returns " "0 on success and non-zero for failure." ), MappingStrings { "JSR77.JCP|JSR77. startRecursive|V1.0" }] uint32 StartRecursive( ); [Description ( "This method starts the J2EE managed object. This " "operation can only be invoked when the OperationalStatus " "is Stopped. Note that StartService() will not be called " "on any of the child StateManageable instances that are " "registered with this instance. It is the responsibility " "of the calling application to start the child if " "required. The method returns 0 on success and non-zero " "for failure." ), MappingStrings { "JSR77.JCP|JSR77. start|V1.0" }] uint32 Start( ); [Description ( "This method stops the J2EE managed object and all " "dependent objects that can be identified by following " "the Dependency/Component associations this object\'s " "identity participates in." ), MappingStrings { "JSR77.JCP|JSR77. stop|V1.0" }] uint32 Stop( ); };