# Makefile builds the Pegasus Repository # ATTN: Today this makefile is implementation dependent. # It assumes that the repository is a set of directories # that can be removed by removing the directories. # This must be updated to an implementation independent repository # remove function. ROOT = $(PEGASUS_ROOT) include $(ROOT)/mak/config.mak include $(ROOT)/mak/configschema.mak # Define Namespace in which the CIM Schemas are to be Loaded. # Note that by default, the CORE is also loaded into root. NAMESPACE=root/cimv2 all: messages: # Delete and rebuild the repository using the MOF compiler. repository: @ echo +++++ Removing existing repository named $(REPOSITORY_ROOT) @ $(RMREPOSITORY) $(REPOSITORY_ROOT) @ echo +++++ Populating CIM repository - this will take a while @ echo +++++ Loading CIM_Core$(CIM_SCHEMA_VER).mof into root namespace... @ $(CIMMOFCLI) -R$(REPOSITORY_DIR) -I$(CIM_SCHEMA_DIR) -nroot $(ALLOW_EXPERIMENTAL) $(CIM_SCHEMA_DIR)/CIM_Core$(CIM_SCHEMA_VER).mof @ echo +++++ Loading CIM_Schema$(CIM_SCHEMA_VER).mof into $(NAMESPACE) namespace... @ $(CIMMOFCLI) -R$(REPOSITORY_DIR) -I$(CIM_SCHEMA_DIR) -n$(NAMESPACE) $(ALLOW_EXPERIMENTAL) $(CIM_SCHEMA_DIR)/CIM_Schema$(CIM_SCHEMA_VER).mof install: $(MKDIRHIER) $(LOCAL_STATE_PREFIX) $(MAKE) REPOSITORY_DIR=$(LOCAL_STATE_PREFIX) repository # The following is a hangover from previous testing and simply loads the # core into the namespace defined by NAMESPACE. It should probably be # deleted since there is no use for it any more. short: @ echo +++++ Populating CIM repository - this will take a minute $(RMREPOSITORY) $(REPOSITORY_ROOT) echo +++++ Loading CIM_Core.mof into root namespace... $(CIMMOFCLI) -R$(REPOSITORY_DIR) -I$(CIM_SCHEMA_DIR) -n$(NAMESPACE) $(ALLOW_EXPERIMENTAL) $(CIM_SCHEMA_DIR)/CIM_Core$(CIM_SCHEMA_VER).mof clean: @ echo +++++ Removing existing CIM Repository named $(REPOSITORY_ROOT) @ $(RMREPOSITORY) $(REPOSITORY_ROOT) depend: sub: misc: tests: poststarttests: general: # used to generate xml output from the schema xml: @ $(RMREPOSITORY) $(TMP_DIR)/repository @ echo +++++ Temporarily loading CIM_Core$(CIM_SCHEMA_VER) into xml/cimv2 namespace ... @ $(CIMMOFCLI) -R$(TMP_DIR) -I$(CIM_SCHEMA_DIR) -nxml/cimv2 $(CIM_SCHEMA_DIR)/CIM_Core$(CIM_SCHEMA_VER).mof @ echo +++++ Creating XML for CIM Schema$(CIM_SCHEMA_VER).mof in file $(TMP_DIR)/CIM_Schema$(CIM_SCHEMA_VER).xml @ $(CIMMOFCLI) -R$(TMP_DIR) --xml -I$(CIM_SCHEMA_DIR) -nxml/cimv2 $(CIM_SCHEMA_DIR)/CIM_Schema$(CIM_SCHEMA_VER).mof > $(TMP_DIR)/CIM_Schema$(CIM_SCHEMA_VER).xml @ $(RMREPOSITORY) $(TMP_DIR)/repository