Title: Building Pegasus for Embedded Systems Date: 1 November 2007 Status: Draft Separation of the server and client builds When building for embedded systems typically the server is built targeted to one platform and the clients and support tools are build targeted to another (host) platform. Thus, for example, for VxWorks, the cim server would be targeted to the target VxWorks platform and the remiaining components of Pegasus (clients, compiler, end-end tests) would be targeted towards the development system. Pegasus build environment has been extended to make this possible. The user may elect to work from either a single source tree or multiple source trees. But in any case, two separate build sequences are required for a complete Pegasus build, the target platform build (cross compile) of the cimserver and server unit tests and the host build. The sections below describe these processes. Note that this work has expanded the make structure of pegasus to include a new make configuration file (config.mak) located in the PEGASUS_ROOT directory. If this file exists, the definitions included in the file are included in the mak/configure.mak file which means that this file can be used to setup configuration parameters for the make. The host / target make structure uses this new file. Building the server for the target platform 1. Set up a configure.mak in the pegasus source root directory with the specific directives for the target make. Note that there are several sample configure.mak files defined in the pegasus.vxworks directory. Since there may be a number of variations of the make structure depending on the test configuraiton, it is logical to set up a configure.mak for each and simply copy or softlink the correct one into the pegasus source root. 2. Building the clients on the host platform The host platform build is the same as as any normal pegasus build. It is initiated through the top level make file and builds all components of the envrionment for execution on the host system. Typically this can be executed with the alternatives defined below. make new world -- builds everything make -- build the source make repository -- builds the repository for the host system. There is no specific make today to simply build the non-server components. NOTE: The $PEGASUS_ROOT/configure.mak is normally used to set up the the configuration for the target build. It need not be used for the host build. It can be used to generate parameters for this build Special characteristics of the Embedded OpenPegasus Server OpenPegasus implemented several special characteristics to support embedded platforms including: 1. Memory-Resident Repository (PEP 305) 2. Static providers 3. Single image build that produces a single output file containing the server, providers, and the memory-resident class repository. This section provides an overview of how to create a complete embedded server. Note that there is a working example in the directory vxWorks/cimserver of a build with some sample providers and a complete class repository containing 3 namespaces. Building the Memory-Resident Repository See the note readme.MemoryResidentRepository file for detailed information on the memory-resident repository Building Providers See the note readme.StaticProviders for detailed information on building static providers for OpenPegasus embedded systems.