WBEM Java Client SDK  Release 2.6



The WBEM Java Client SDK is a set of APIs that contain the components necessary to write management applications that communicate with WBEM-enabled management devices using XML and HTTP communication standards.

WBEM applications request information or services from the Common Information Model (CIM) Object Manager through the WBEM APIs. These APIs represent CIM objects as Java classes. These APIs can be used to describe managed objects and retrieve information about managed objects on a system.

WBEM client applications use the org.snia.wbem.client APIs to manipulate CIM objects. A client application uses the CIM API to construct an object (for example, a class, instance, or namespace) and then initializes, or instantiates that object. The application uses the client APIs to pass the object to the CIM Object Manager and request an operation, such as creating a CIM class, instance, or deleting an instance.

The following sections show the API comparison between SDK 1.0 and 1.1 onward releases, SSL certificate management changes and configuration changes.

The Java SDK documentation includes the following packages that the client applications can use to make CIM operation requests to talk to a CIM Object Manager.








CIMClient APIs


Java Client APIs


            CIMClient(CIMNameSpace name )

                            throws CIMException

Creates connection the CIMServer running on the local system for the specified namespace.



        CIMNameSpace name,

        String userName,

        String password)

throws CIMException



        CIMNameSpace name,

        String userName,

        String password,

        int protocol)

throws CIMException



        CIMNameSpace name,

        SSLContext sslCtx,

        String userName,

        String password,

        int protocol)

throws CIMException



Creates a new HTTP/S client connection to the CIMServer on the host and namespace specified in the CIMNamespace object, using the specified username and password to authenticate the client user identity to the CIM Object Manager.


void close() throws CIMException


 Closes the client connection to the CIM Object Manager.


void createNameSpace(

      CIMNameSpace name)

throws CIMException


Creates a CIM namespace, a directory containing CIM classes and CIM instances. 


void deleteNameSpace(

      CIMNameSpace name)

 throws CIMException



Deletes the specified namespace on the specified host.


Enumeration enumNameSpace(

        CIMObjectPath path,

        boolean deepInheritance)

throws CIMException


Enumeration enumerateNameSpaces(

      CIMObjectPath path,

      boolean deepInheritance)

throws CIMException





Enumerates the namespaces within the specified path.


CIMClass getClass(

      CIMObjectPath path,

      boolean localOnly)

throws CIMException



CIMClass getClass(

CIMObjectPath path,

        boolean localOnly,

        boolean includeQualifiers,

        boolean includeClassOrigin,

        String propertyList[ ] )

throws CIMException



Gets a single CIM Class from the target Namespace where the CIMObjectPath input parameter defines the name of the class to be retrieved.


CIMInstance getInstance(

      CIMObjectPath path,

      boolean localOnly)

throws CIMException


CIMInstance getInstance(

        CIMObjectPath path,

        boolean localOnly,

        boolean includeQualifiers,

        boolean includeClassOrigin,

        String propertyList[ ] )

throws CIMException






Gets the CIM instance for the specified CIM object path.


void deleteClass(

      CIMObjectPath path)

throws CIMException


Deletes a single CIM Class from the target Namespace for the object specified by the CIMobjectpath.


void deleteInstance(

      CIMObjectPath path)

 throws CIMException


Deletes the CIM instance specified by the CIM object path from the target Namespace.


void createClass(

      CIMObjectPath path, 

    CIMClass newClass)

throws CIMException



Creates a single CIM class in the target namespace.


CIMObjectPath createInstance(

      CIMObjectPath path,     

     CIMInstance newInstance)

 throws CIMException



Creates the specified CIM Instance in the specified namespace.


void setClass(

      CIMObjectPath path,

      CIMClass cimClass)

throws CIMException


void modifyClass(

      CIMObjectPath path,

      CIMClass modifiedClass)

throws CIMException







 Modifies an existing CIM Class in the target Namespace.


Enumeration enumClass(

        CIMObjectPath path,

        boolean deepInheritance,

        boolean localOnly)

throws CIMException


Enumeration enumerateClasses(

        CIMObjectPath path,

        boolean deepInheritance,

        boolean localOnly,

        boolean includeQualifiers,

        boolean includeClassOrigin)

throws CIMException






Enumerates the subclasses (with all properties) of the CIM Class specified in the path in the target Namespace. 


Enumeration enumClass(

        CIMObjectPath path,

        boolean deepInheritance)

throws CIMException


Enumeration enumerateClassNames(

        CIMObjectPath path,

        boolean deepInheritance)

throws CIMException








Enumerates the names of subclasses of the CIM Class specified in the path in the target Namespace.


Enumeration enumInstances(

        CIMObjectPath path,

        boolean deepInheritance,

        boolean localOnly)

throws CIMException


Enumeration enumerateInstances(

        CIMObjectPath path,

        boolean deepInheritance,

        boolean localOnly,

        boolean includeQualifiers,

        boolean includeClassOrigin,

        String propertyList[ ] )

throws CIMException









Enumerates instances of the specified CIM Class in the target Namespace.


Enumeration enumInstances(

        CIMObjectPath path,

        boolean deepInheritance)

throws CIMException


Enumeration enumerateInstanceNames(

        CIMObjectPath path)

throws CIMException







Enumerates the names (object paths) of the instances of the specified CIM Class in the target Namespace.


Enumeration execQuery(

        CIMObjectPath path,

        String query,

       int queryLanguage)

   throws   CIMException



 Executes a query against the target Namespace to retrieve the objects.


Enumeration associators(

        CIMObjectPath path,

        String assocClass,

        String resultClass,

        String role,

        String resultRole,

        boolean includeQualifiers,

        boolean includeClassOrigin,

        String propertyList[ ] )

     throws CIMException



Enumerate CIM Objects that are associated to a particular source CIM Object.


Enumeration associatorNames(

        CIMObjectPath path,

        String assocClass,

        String resultClass,

         String role,

        String resultRole)

throws CIMException





Enumerate the object paths to CIM Objects that are associated to a particular source CIM Object.


Enumeration references(

        CIMObjectPath path,

        String resultClass,

        String role,

        boolean includeQualifiers,

        boolean includeClassOrigin,

        String propertyList[ ] )

 throws CIMException




Enumerates the association objects that refer to a particular target CIM Object.


Enumeration referenceNames(

        CIMObjectPath path,

        String resultClass,

        String role)

throws CIMException



Enumerates the object paths to association objects that refer to a particular target CIM Object.


CIMValue getProperty(

        CIMObjectPath path,

        String propertyName)

throws CIMException



 Gets the value of the specified property for the instance specified in the CIM object path.


void setProperty(

        CIMObjectPath path,

        String propertyName,

CIMValue newValue)

throws CIMException


Modifies the value of the specified property by setting it to the specified value for the instance specified in the object path.     


CIMQualifierType getQualifierType(

        CIMObjectPath path)

throws CIMException


CIMQualifierType getQualifier(

        CIMObjectPath path)

throws CIMException





Gets the CIM qualifier type specified in the CIM object path from the traget Namespace.


Void setQualifierType(

        CIMObjectPath path,

        CIMQualifierType qualifierType) throws CIMException


void setQualifier(

      CIMObjectPath path,

      CIMQualifierType qualifierType) throws CIMException







Creates or updates the specified CIM qualifier type in the traget namespace.


void deleteQualifierType(

        CIMObjectPath path)

throws CIMException


void deleteQualifier(

      CIMObjectPath path)

throws CIMException






Deletes the CIM Qualfier declaration from the target Namespace. 


Enumeration enumQualifierTypes(

        CIMObjectPath path)

throws CIMException


Enumeration enumerateQualifiers(

        CIMObjectPath path)

throws CIMException







Enumerates the Qualifier declarations from the target Namespace.


void createQualifierType(

      CIMObjectPath path,

      CIMQualifierType qt)

throws CIMException


void setQualifier(

      CIMObjectPath path,

      CIMQualifierType qualifierType) throws CIMException







Creates or updates the specified CIM qualifier type in the traget namespace.


CIMValue invokeMethod(

        CIMObjectPath path,

        String methodName,

        Vector inParams,

        Vector outParams)

throws CIMException


Executes a specified method on the specified object.


Note: APIs that are dimmed are deprecated methods.



 Note that CIM HTTP Listener interfaces are not supported in WBEM Java SDK 1.1 and pre-releases. They are supported in 2.0 onwards




CIMHTTPListener(int portNo)




Constructor for CIMHTTPListener with port number, by default SSL is not enabled



CIMHTTPListener(int portNo, boolean sslEnabled)



Constructor takes a port number and ssl option.





Start the CIM HTTP Listener




Stop CIM HTTP Listener



addConsumer (

CIMIndicationConsumer inConsumer

 ) throws CIMException


Adds a CIMIndicationConsumer to the listener




CIMIndicationConsumer  interface



   OperationContext context,     

   String destination,    CIMIndication indication)


Constructor for CIMHTTPListener with port number, by default SSL is not enabled



SSL Certificate Management

Importing Certificates into Java Trust Store

1.                  Export the server certificate from the .pem file.

Use openssl command to export Pegasus CIMServer certificate file.  Assumes that openssl is part of /opt/wbem/sbin/.

# /opt/wbem/sbin/openssl x509 -in /var/opt/wbem/server.pem -out server.cer

2.                  Import the server certificate in to the client trust store.

-         Copy the server certificate on to the client system.

-         Use Java keytool to import the certificate into the client trust store.

# keytool -import -alias sequoia1 -file server.cer -keystore mytruststore

You will be asked to enter a password. The password is required only for modifying mytruststore in the future. The keytool creates the trust store if it is not already exists and then import the specified certificate. (For example we entered the password as “wbem01”)

3.                  Specify the truststore in the command line of the client application using “-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore”.

For Example,

# java -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=mytruststore <MyClient> <system> root/cimv2 5989 ssl

4.                  If your client application is written to update the truststore file programmatically then you must also specify the password that was used to create the truststore using  -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword”.

For Example,

#java -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=mytruststore  -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=wbem01 \

<MyClient>  <system> root/cimv2 5989 ssl    

Viewing Certificates and Trust Store files

1.                  You view certificates in a certificate file using keytool command.

keytool -printcert -file server.cer

2.                  You can view all the certificates in a truststore using the keytool command.

keytool -list -v -keystore mytruststore




Writing A Trust Manager

The primary responsibility of the TrustManager is to determine whether the presented authentication credentials should be trusted or not. If the credentials are not trusted, the connection will be terminated. If no trust manager is specified by the client application then JSSE will use its own trust manager that supports authentication based on X.509 public key certificates.

If the default X509TrustManager behavior isn't suitable for your situation, you can implement your own X509TrustManager. JSSE interface allows you to override certification validation and continue the SSL handshake. You can also use the interface to discontinue an SSL handshake by performing additional validation on a server's digital certificate chain.

When an SSL client connects to an SSL server, the SSL server presents its digital certificate chain to the client for authentication. This certificate chain can contain invalid digital certificates. As per the SSL specification, the client should drop the SSL connection once it discovers an invalid certificate. However, some applications such as Web Browsers ask the user whether to accept the invalid certificate. The Trust Manager eliminates this inconsistent practice by enabling you to control when to continue or discontinue an SSL connection. Using a Trust Manager you can perform custom checks before continuing an SSL connection. For example, you can use the Trust Manager to specify that only users from specific localities, such as towns, states, or countries, or users with other special attributes, to gain access via the SSL connection.

Here is an example of a Trust Manager that basically ignores the server certificates chain by not validating the certificate chain. It accepts any certificates from any server and goes ahead with SSL handshake.

import java.security.cert.*;

import java.security.KeyStore;

import javax.net.*;

import javax.net.ssl.*;


 * This class implements the X509TrustManager interface.  It does not validate the certificate chain

 * sent by the server, it basically ignores the certificate chain and goes ahead with the SSL hand shake.


public class DontValidateCertificate implements X509TrustManager


        X509TrustManager  myX509TrustManager;



         * CertficateManager constructor


        public DontValidateCertificate()





         * checkClientTrusted checks to see if the chain is in the keyStore object.


        public void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType) throws CertificateException 





         * checkServerTrusted verifies to see if the chain is in the keyStore object.


        public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType) throws CertificateException 





         * This method retrieves all of the certificates in the keyStore and returns them in

         * an X509Certificate array. We return null as we are accepting any certificates.


        public X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers()


            return null;




The Client SDK contains the following two sample trust managers.



Client API uses JSSE trust manager by default. If you want the API to use your own trust manager then you need to explicitly specify.

For more information about writing trust managers, refer to JSSE reference guide (http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4/docs/guide/security/jsse/JSSERefGuide.html


The Client SDK allows the client applications to specify the following configuration properties in a property file. If no property file is specified then the SDK will use default values for all the properties. If the property file is specified but one or more properties are not set in the property file, then SDK will use the default values for those properties.

     Property Name

Default Value








null [ uses JSSE default Trust  Manager ]

The DEBUG_XML, DEBUG_XMLDECODE, and clientLogFilePath properties are only for developmental debug purposes and they should not be set in the release product and should not be exposed to the client application users.

Note: The debug trace or logging in the client API is not thread safe, it is recommended that clients do not use debug logging in a multi-threaded application.

The client applications can only use the set methods in “GlobalConfig” class to set the following configuration properties if needed. The above four properties can also be set using the set methods.

     Property Name

Default Value








The client applications can specify the properties file in the following ways:

1.      Specify the property file on the command line by setting “–D org.snia.wbem.cimom.properties

For example,

      # java -Dorg.snia.wbem.cimom.properties=./cim.properties <myAapp>

2.      Specify the property file programmatically using the System.setProperty() before creating the CIMClient object.

For example,

System.setProperty("org.snia.wbem.cimom.properties", “./cim.properties”);