README: WBEM Java Client API ============================ The Java CIM interfaces allow developers to write CIM Clients to manipulate and manage CIM Managed Objects. Requirements ============ 1. The apache xerces XML parser. Use version Xerces 1.4.4, If you have not got one with SDK, Download it from Install the xerces.jar in $PEGASUS_ROOT/src/Java/jars/xerces-1.4.4/ or modify the setJaveenv to suit your directory structure. 2. Java 1.4 version ( JRE 1.4 ) Use Java 1.4 version because it includes JSSE (for SSL). Release Components ================== README.txt --> This readme file cimclient.jar --> Client API SDK and also includes CIM Listener APIs --> Sample configuration file --> Sample Certificate Trust Manager --> Sample Certificate Trust Manager examples/ --> Example Client Applications examples/Indication/ --> Example of CIM Listener, Consumer Applications Configuration ============= Java CLASSPATH should include: CLASSPATH=/opt/java1.4/jre/lib/rt.jar:$XERCES_HOME/xerces-1_4_4/xerces.jar:/opt/java1.4/jre/lib/jsse.jar:cimclient.jar:. References: =========== - Please refer to the Release Notes for detailed information