(file) Return to xmlserializer.c CVS log (file) (dir) Up to [OMI] / omi / xmlserializer

   1 krisbash 1.1 /*============================================================================
   2               * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, All rights reserved. 
   3               *============================================================================
   4               */
   5              #include <stdio.h>
   6              #include <common.h>
   7              #include <pal/strings.h>
   8              #include <pal/format.h>
   9              #include <base/log.h>
  10              #include <base/helpers.h>
  11              #include <base/class.h>
  12              #include <base/instance.h>
  13              #include <base/types.h>
  14              #include <base/field.h>
  15              #include "xmlserializer.h"
  17              //******************************************XMLSERIALIZER Creation/Deletion************************
  19              /* Create serializer object */
  20              MI_Result MI_CALL XmlSerializer_Create(
  21                  _In_ MI_Application *application,
  22 krisbash 1.1     MI_Uint32 flags,
  23                  _In_z_ MI_Char *format,
  24                  _Out_ MI_Serializer *serializer)
  25              {
  26                  if ((application == NULL) || (flags != 0) || (format == NULL) || (serializer == NULL))
  27                  {
  28                      return MI_RESULT_INVALID_PARAMETER;
  29                  }
  30                  if (Tcscmp(format, PAL_T("MI_XML")) != 0) //TODO: Case sensitive?
  31                  {
  32                      return MI_RESULT_NOT_SUPPORTED;
  33                  }
  34                  memset(serializer, 0, sizeof(*serializer));
  36                  return MI_RESULT_OK;
  37              }
  39              /* Close serializer object */
  40              MI_Result MI_CALL XmlSerializer_Close(
  41                  _Inout_ MI_Serializer *serializer)
  42              {
  43 krisbash 1.1     return MI_RESULT_OK;
  44              }
  46              //******************************************Class Serialization logic************************
  47              #define IsOptionTrue(flags, option) ((flags & (option)) != 0)
  48              #define SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE 0
  50              //Length of string literal
  51              #define WCSLEN(string) ((sizeof(string)/sizeof(string[0]))-1)
  53              /* Preferred write mechanism for string literal to the buffer.  We do sizeof string which is a compile-time calculation. */
  54              #define WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferUsed, bufferToWrite, escapingDepth, result) WriteBuffer_StringWithLength(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferUsed, bufferToWrite, WCSLEN(bufferToWrite), escapingDepth, result)
  56              /* Preferred write mechanism as we don't need to Tcslen the buffer to write */
  57              static void WriteBuffer_StringWithLength(_Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer, MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength, _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded, _In_reads_z_(bufferToWriteLength) const MI_Char *bufferToWrite, MI_Uint32 bufferToWriteLength, MI_Uint32 escapingDepth, _Inout_ MI_Result *result);
  59              /* Don't use unless we really don't know the length as we will Tcslen the buffer to write */
  60              #define WriteBuffer_String(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferUsed, bufferToWrite, escapingDepth, result) WriteBuffer_StringWithLength(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferUsed, bufferToWrite, Tcslen(bufferToWrite), escapingDepth, result)
  62              /* writes the textual version of MI_Type */
  63              static void WriteBuffer_MiType(_Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer, MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength, _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferUsed, MI_Type type, MI_Uint32 escapingDepth, _Inout_ MI_Result *result);
  64 krisbash 1.1 
  65              /* writes the textual version of MI_Array based on MI_Type. */
  66              static void WriteBuffer_MiValueArray(_Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer, MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength, _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferUsed, MI_Type type, _In_ const MI_Array *value, MI_Uint32 escapingDepth, _Inout_ MI_Result *result);
  68              /* writes the textual version of MI_Value based on MI_Type. */
  69              static void WriteBuffer_MiValue(_Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer, MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength, _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferUsed, MI_Type type, _In_opt_ const MI_Value *value, MI_Boolean includeTags, MI_Uint32 escapingDepth, _Inout_ MI_Result *result);
  71              /* writes the textual version of MI_Qualifier array. */
  72              static void WriteBuffer_MiQualifierSet(_Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer, MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength, _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferUsed, _In_ const MI_QualifierSet *qualifierSet, MI_Uint32 flagsToSerializeAsQualifiers, MI_Boolean isQualOnInheritedElement, _Inout_ MI_Result *result);
  73              static void WriteBuffer_MiParamPropertyQualifierSet(_Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer, MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength, _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferUsed, _In_ const MI_QualifierSet *qualifierSet, MI_Uint32 flagsToSerializeAsQualifiers, MI_Boolean isQualOnInheritedElement, MI_Boolean isEmbeddedProperty, _In_opt_ const MI_Char *referenceClassForEmbeddedProperty, _Inout_ MI_Result *result);
  74              static void WriteBuffer_EmbeddedPropertyQualifier(_Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer, MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength, _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded, _In_opt_ const MI_Char *referenceClassForEmbeddedProperty, _Inout_ MI_Result *result);
  76              static void WriteBuffer_MiFlagQualifiers(_Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer,MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength,_Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded,MI_Uint32 flagsToSerializeAsQualifiers,_Inout_ MI_Result *result);
  78              /* writes the textual version of %CIMName. (name="name") */
  79              static void WriteBuffer_CimName(_Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer, MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength, _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferUsed, _In_z_ const MI_Char* name, MI_Uint32 escapingDepth, _Inout_ MI_Result *result);
  81              static void WriteBuffer_Uint32(_Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer, MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength, _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded, MI_Uint32 number, _Inout_ MI_Result *result);
  83              static void WriteBuffer_SerializeClass(_Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer, MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength, _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded, MI_Uint32 flags, _In_ const MI_Class *miClass, _In_opt_z_ const MI_Char *namespaceName,_In_opt_z_ const MI_Char *serverName,_Out_ MI_Result *result);
  85 krisbash 1.1 static void WriteBuffer_Instance(_Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer,MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength,_Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded,_In_ const MI_Instance *instance,MI_Uint32 escapingDepth, _Out_ MI_Result *result);
  86              static void WriteBuffer_InstanceReference(_Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer,MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength,_Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded,_In_opt_z_ const MI_Char *namespaceName, _In_opt_z_ const MI_Char *serverName, _In_ const MI_Instance *refValue, MI_Uint32 escapingDepth, _Inout_ MI_Result *result);
  88              static void WriteBuffer_MiPropertyDecls(_Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer, MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength, _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded, _In_ const MI_Class *miClass, MI_Uint32 flags, _In_z_ const MI_Char *className,_In_opt_z_ const MI_Char *namespaceName, _In_opt_z_ const MI_Char *serverName , _In_opt_ const char *instanceStart, MI_Uint32 escapingDepth, _Inout_ MI_Result *result);
  90              //Write an instance parameter MI_<type>Field
  91              static void WriteBuffer_MiTypeField(_Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer,MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength,_Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded,MI_Type type,_In_ const char *fieldValue, MI_Uint32 escapingDepth, _Inout_ MI_Result *result);
  93              //Write an instance array parameter MI_ArrayField
  94              static void WriteBuffer_MiArrayField(_Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer,MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength,_Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded,MI_Type type,_In_ MI_ArrayField *arrayField, MI_Uint32 escapingDepth, _Inout_ MI_Result *result);
  96              static void WriteBuffer_NAMESPACEPATH(_Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer,MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength,_Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded,_In_z_ const MI_Char *namespaceName, _In_z_ const MI_Char *serverName, MI_Uint32 escapingDepth, _Inout_ MI_Result *result);
  97              static void WriteBuffer_LOCALNAMESPACEPATH(_Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer,MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength,_Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded,_In_z_ const MI_Char *namespaceName, MI_Uint32 escapingDepth, _Inout_ MI_Result *result);
  99              static void WriteBuffer_Instance(
 100                  _Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer,
 101                  MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength,
 102                 _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded,
 103                  _In_ const MI_Instance *instance_,
 104                  MI_Uint32 escapingDepth,
 105                 _Out_ MI_Result *result)
 106 krisbash 1.1 {
 107                  // No one is using OSC_Instance structure inside OMI;
 108                  // so I am assuming all instances here are going to be MI_Instances
 109                  // so getting rid of this OSC_Instance from the reused code and replacing it with MI_Instance
 110                  // in the future if someone adds OSC_Instance in OMI then add this back
 111                  // MI_Instance *instance = (MI_Instance*)((OSC_Instance*)instance_)->self;  //In case this is dynamic instance point to the real one, otherwise it points to ourself!
 112                  const MI_Instance *instance = instance_;
 113                  MI_Class classOfInstance = MI_CLASS_NULL;
 114                  const MI_Char *classNameOfInstance = NULL;
 116                  *result = MI_RESULT_OK;
 118                  *result = MI_Instance_GetClassExt(instance, &classOfInstance);
 120                  *result = GetClassExtendedFt(&classOfInstance)->GetClassName(&classOfInstance, &classNameOfInstance);
 122                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("<INSTANCE"), escapingDepth, result);
 124                  /* %ClassName; */
 125                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T(" CLASSNAME=\""), escapingDepth, result);
 126                  if(classNameOfInstance)
 127 krisbash 1.1     {
 128                      WriteBuffer_String(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, classNameOfInstance, escapingDepth, result);
 129                  }
 130                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("\""), escapingDepth, result);
 132                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T(">"), escapingDepth, result);
 135                  // casting done since it does not compile on non-windows
 136                  WriteBuffer_MiPropertyDecls(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, &classOfInstance, MI_TRUE, classNameOfInstance, instance->nameSpace, instance->serverName, (char*)instance, escapingDepth, result);
 138                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("</INSTANCE>"), escapingDepth, result);
 139              }
 141              static void WriteBuffer_SerializeClass(
 142                  _Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer,
 143                  MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength,
 144                 _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded,
 145                 MI_Uint32 flags,
 146                  _In_ const MI_Class *miClass,
 147                  _In_opt_z_ const MI_Char *namespaceName,
 148 krisbash 1.1     _In_opt_z_ const MI_Char *serverName,
 149                 _Out_ MI_Result *result)
 150              {
 151                  const MI_Char *miClassName = NULL;
 152                  const MI_Char *miParentClassName = NULL;
 153                  MI_QualifierSet qualifierSet;
 154                  MI_Uint32 numQualifiers = 0;
 156                  *result = MI_RESULT_OK;
 157                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("<CLASS"), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 159                  /* %CIMName; */
 160                  *result = GetClassExtendedFt(miClass)->GetClassName(miClass, &miClassName);
 161                  if(miClassName)
 162                  {
 163                      WriteBuffer_CimName(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, miClassName, SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 164                  }
 166                  /* %SuperClass; */
 167                  GetClassExtendedFt(miClass)->GetParentClassName(miClass, &miParentClassName);
 168                  if (miParentClassName)
 169 krisbash 1.1     {
 170                      WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T(" SUPERCLASS=\""), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 171                      WriteBuffer_String(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, miParentClassName, SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 172                      WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("\""), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 173                  }
 175                  /* %DERIVATION; */
 176                  if(IsOptionTrue(flags, MI_SERIALIZER_FLAGS_INCLUDE_INHERITANCE_HIERARCHY))
 177                  {
 178                      const MI_Class *currentClass = miClass;
 179                      MI_Class currentSuperClass;
 180                      MI_Uint32 countOfClasses = 0;
 182                      GetClassExtendedFt(currentClass)->GetParentClassExt(currentClass, &currentSuperClass);
 184                      WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T(" DERIVATION=\""), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 185                      while(miParentClassName)
 186                      {
 187                          trace_XmlSerializer_CurrentParent(tcs(miParentClassName));
 189                          // before writing first superclassname; you would not need a separator otherwise you will
 190 krisbash 1.1             if(countOfClasses != 0)
 191                          {
 192                              // preventing infinite loop
 193                              if(countOfClasses == 0xFFFFFFFF)
 194                              {
 195                                  *result = MI_RESULT_FAILED;
 196                                  return;
 197                              }
 199                              WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T(","), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 200                          }
 202              #ifdef _MSC_VER
 203              #pragma prefast(push)
 204              #pragma prefast (disable: 26018)
 205              #endif
 206                          // write the super class name in the list
 207                          WriteBuffer_String(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, miParentClassName, SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 209              #ifdef _MSC_VER
 210              #pragma prefast(pop)
 211 krisbash 1.1 #endif
 213                          // clear out the classname we just wrote
 214                          miParentClassName = NULL;
 216                          // go up one level in the parent chain
 217                          currentClass = &currentSuperClass;
 219                          // if there is still a superclass, get its name
 220                          if(GetClassExtendedFt(currentClass)->GetParentClassExt(currentClass, &currentSuperClass) == MI_RESULT_OK)
 221                          {
 222                              *result = GetClassExtendedFt(&currentSuperClass)->GetClassName(&currentSuperClass, &miParentClassName);
 223                          }
 225                          countOfClasses++;
 226                      }
 228                      WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("\""), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 229                  }
 231                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T(">"), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 232 krisbash 1.1 
 233                  /* QUALIFIERS */
 234                  if(IsOptionTrue(flags, MI_SERIALIZER_FLAGS_INCLUDE_QUALIFIERS))
 235                  {
 236                      MI_Uint32 classFlags = 0;
 237                      GetClassExtendedFt(miClass)->GetClassQualifierSet(miClass, &qualifierSet);
 238                      GetQualifierSetFt(&qualifierSet)->GetQualifierCount(&qualifierSet, &numQualifiers);
 239                      GetClassExtendedFt(miClass)->GetClassFlagsExt(miClass, &classFlags);
 240                      WriteBuffer_MiQualifierSet(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, &qualifierSet, classFlags, MI_FALSE, result);
 241                  }
 244                  WriteBuffer_MiPropertyDecls(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, miClass, flags, miClassName, namespaceName, serverName, NULL, SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 246                  /* METHOD */
 247                  {
 248                      MI_Uint32 methodCount;
 249                      MI_Uint32 totalMethodCount;
 250                      MI_Uint32 parameterCount;
 251                      const MI_Char *methodName = NULL;
 252                      MI_QualifierSet methodQualifierSet;
 253 krisbash 1.1         MI_ParameterSet parameterSet;
 254                      MI_Uint32 methodParameterCount;
 255                      const MI_Char *parameterName = NULL;
 256                      MI_Type parameterType;
 257                      MI_Uint32 parameterSubscript;
 258                      MI_Char *referenceClass = NULL;
 259                      MI_Char *methodOriginClass = NULL;
 260                      MI_Char *methodPropagatorClass = NULL;
 261                      MI_QualifierSet parameterQualifierSet;
 262                      MI_Uint32 methodFlags = 0;
 263                      MI_Uint32 parameterFlags = 0;        
 265                      GetClassExtendedFt(miClass)->GetMethodCount(miClass, &totalMethodCount);
 267                      for (methodCount = 0; methodCount != totalMethodCount; methodCount++)
 268                      {
 269                          MI_Boolean isInheritedElement = MI_FALSE;
 271                          GetClassExtendedFt(miClass)->GetMethodAtExt(miClass, methodCount, &methodName, &methodOriginClass, &methodPropagatorClass, &methodQualifierSet, &parameterSet, &methodFlags);
 273                          /* If not serializing deep and we are not the propagator of the property then we need to skip this one */
 274 krisbash 1.1             if (!IsOptionTrue(flags, MI_SERIALIZER_FLAGS_CLASS_DEEP | MI_SERIALIZER_FLAGS_INCLUDE_INHERITED_ELEMENTS) && methodPropagatorClass && Tcscmp(methodPropagatorClass, miClassName)!=0)
 275                          {
 276                              continue;
 277                          }
 278                          WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("<METHOD"), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 280                          /* %CIMName; */
 281                          WriteBuffer_CimName(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, methodName, SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 283                          GetParameterSetExtendedFt(&parameterSet)->GetParameterCount(&parameterSet, &methodParameterCount);
 285                          GetParameterSetExtendedFt(&parameterSet)->GetMethodReturnType(&parameterSet, &parameterType, &parameterQualifierSet);
 287                          /* %CIMType; */
 288                          WriteBuffer_MiType(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, (MI_Type)(parameterType&~MI_ARRAY), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 290                          /* %ClassOrigin;  */
 291                          if (IsOptionTrue(flags, MI_SERIALIZER_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLASS_ORIGIN) &&
 292                              methodOriginClass)
 293                          {
 294                              WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T(" CLASSORIGIN=\""), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 295 krisbash 1.1                 WriteBuffer_String(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, methodOriginClass, SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 296                              WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("\""), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 297                          }
 298                          /* %Propagated;  */
 299                          if (methodPropagatorClass &&
 300                              (Tcscasecmp(methodPropagatorClass, miClassName) != 0))
 301                          {
 302                              isInheritedElement = MI_TRUE;
 303                              WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T(" PROPAGATED=\"true\""), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 304                          }
 306                          WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T(">"), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 308                          /* QUALIFIERS */
 309                          if(IsOptionTrue(flags, MI_SERIALIZER_FLAGS_INCLUDE_QUALIFIERS))
 310                          {
 311                              WriteBuffer_MiQualifierSet(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, &methodQualifierSet, methodFlags, isInheritedElement, result);
 312                          }
 314                          /* even though this loop starts from 0, the GetParameterAt method increments the index passed to it so we will get the parameters from the index 1 */
 315                          for (parameterCount = 0; parameterCount < methodParameterCount; parameterCount++)
 316 krisbash 1.1             {
 317                              GetParameterSetExtendedFt(&parameterSet)->GetParameterAtExt(&parameterSet, parameterCount, &parameterName, &parameterType,
 318                                          &parameterSubscript, &referenceClass, &parameterQualifierSet, &parameterFlags);
 320                              /* Start of PARAMETER | PARAMETER.REFERENCE | PARAMETER_ARRAY | PARAMETER.REFARRAY  */
 321                              if (parameterType == MI_REFERENCE)
 322                              {
 323                                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("<PARAMETER.REFERENCE"), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 324                              }
 325                              else if (parameterType == MI_REFERENCEA)
 326                              {
 327                                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("<PARAMETER.REFARRAY"), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 328                              }
 329                              else if (parameterType & MI_ARRAY)
 330                              {
 331                                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("<PARAMETER.ARRAY"), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 332                              }
 333                              else
 334                              {
 335                                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("<PARAMETER"), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 336                              }
 337 krisbash 1.1                 /* %CIMName; */
 338                              WriteBuffer_CimName(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, parameterName, SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 340                              if ((parameterType != MI_REFERENCE) &&
 341                                  (parameterType != MI_REFERENCEA))
 342                              {
 343                                  /* %CIMType; -- PARAMETER and PARAMETER.ARRAY */
 344                                  WriteBuffer_MiType(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, parameterType, SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 345                              }
 346                              else if (referenceClass)
 347                              {
 348                                  /* %ReferenceClass; -- PROPERTY.REFERENCE and PROPERTY.REFARRAY*/
 349                                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T(" REFERENCECLASS=\""), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 350                                  WriteBuffer_String(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, referenceClass, SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 351                                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("\""), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 352                              }
 354                              if ((parameterType & MI_ARRAY) &&
 355                                  (parameterSubscript != 0))
 356                              {
 357                                  /* %ArraySize; -- PROPERTY.ARRAY and PROPERTY.REFARRAY */
 358 krisbash 1.1                     WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T(" ARRAYSIZE=\""), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 359                                  WriteBuffer_Uint32(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, parameterSubscript, result);
 360                                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("\""), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 361                              }
 363                              WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T(">"), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 365                              /* QUALIFIERS */
 366                              if(IsOptionTrue(flags, MI_SERIALIZER_FLAGS_INCLUDE_QUALIFIERS))
 367                              {
 368                                  WriteBuffer_MiParamPropertyQualifierSet(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, &parameterQualifierSet, parameterFlags, MI_FALSE, ((parameterType&~MI_ARRAY) == MI_INSTANCE), referenceClass, result);
 369                              }
 371                              /* End of PARAMETER | PARAMETER.REFERENCE | PARAMETER_ARRAY | PARAMETER.REFARRAY  */
 372                              if (parameterType == MI_REFERENCE)
 373                              {
 374                                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("</PARAMETER.REFERENCE>"), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 375                              }
 376                              else if (parameterType == MI_REFERENCEA)
 377                              {
 378                                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("</PARAMETER.REFARRAY>"), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 379 krisbash 1.1                 }
 380                              else if (parameterType & MI_ARRAY)
 381                              {
 382                                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("</PARAMETER.ARRAY>"), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 383                              }
 384                              else
 385                              {
 386                                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("</PARAMETER>"), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 387                              }
 388                          }
 390                          WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("</METHOD>"), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 391                      }
 392                  }
 394                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("</CLASS>"), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 395              }
 397              static void WriteBuffer_MiPropertyDecls(
 398                  _Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer,
 399                  MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength,
 400 krisbash 1.1    _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded,
 401                 _In_ const MI_Class *miClass,
 402                 MI_Uint32 flags,
 403                 _In_z_ const MI_Char *className,
 404                 _In_opt_z_ const MI_Char *namespaceName,
 405                 _In_opt_z_ const MI_Char *serverName,
 406                 _In_opt_ const char *instanceStart,
 407                 MI_Uint32 escapingDepth,
 408                 _Inout_ MI_Result *result)
 409              {
 410                  MI_Uint32 propertyCount;
 411                  MI_Uint32 totalPropertyCount;
 412                  MI_Value propertyValue;
 413                  MI_Type propertyType;
 414                  MI_Uint32 propertyFlags;
 415                  MI_Uint32 propertySubscript;
 416                  MI_Uint32 propertyOffset;
 417                  MI_QualifierSet propertyQualifierSet;
 418                  const MI_Char *propertyName = NULL;
 419                  MI_Char *propertyReferenceClass = NULL;
 420                  MI_Char *propertyOriginClass = NULL;
 421 krisbash 1.1     MI_Char *propertyPropagatorClass = NULL;
 423                  GetClassExtendedFt(miClass)->GetElementCount(miClass, &totalPropertyCount);
 426                  for (propertyCount = 0; propertyCount != totalPropertyCount; propertyCount++)
 427                  {
 428                      MI_Boolean propertyValueExists = MI_TRUE;
 429                      MI_Boolean isInheritedElement = MI_FALSE;
 431                      GetClassExtendedFt(miClass)->GetElementAtExt(miClass, propertyCount, &propertyName, &propertyValue, &propertyValueExists,
 432                                  &propertyType, &propertySubscript, &propertyOffset , &propertyReferenceClass, &propertyOriginClass, &propertyPropagatorClass, &propertyQualifierSet, &propertyFlags);
 434                      /* If not serializing deep and we are not the propagator of the property then we need to skip this one */
 435                      //MI_SERIALIZER_FLAGS_CLASS_DEEP
 437                          && propertyPropagatorClass && Tcscmp(propertyPropagatorClass, className)!=0)
 438                      {
 439                          continue;
 440                      }
 441                      else
 442 krisbash 1.1         {
 443                          trace_XmlSerializer_WriteBuffer_MiPropertyDecls(tcs(className), tcs(propertyPropagatorClass), tcs(propertyName));
 444                      }
 446                      if (propertyType & MI_ARRAY)
 447                      {
 448                          if (propertyType == MI_REFERENCEA)
 449                          {
 450                              //Properties of type referenceArray cannot be supported.  It is not CIM compliant
 451                              //Overwrite error as this is a hard error.
 452                              *result = MI_RESULT_NOT_SUPPORTED;
 453                              return;
 454                          }
 455                          else
 456                          {
 457                              WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("<PROPERTY.ARRAY"), escapingDepth, result);
 458                          }
 459                      }
 460                      else if (propertyType == MI_REFERENCE)
 461                      {
 462                          WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("<PROPERTY.REFERENCE"), escapingDepth, result);
 463 krisbash 1.1         }
 464                      else
 465                      {
 466                          WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("<PROPERTY"), escapingDepth, result);
 467                      }
 469                      /* %CIMName; */
 470                      WriteBuffer_CimName(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, propertyName, escapingDepth, result);
 472                      if ((propertyType != MI_REFERENCE) &&
 473                          (propertyType != MI_REFERENCEA))
 474                      {
 475                          /* %CIMType; -- not REFERENCE */
 476                          WriteBuffer_MiType(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, propertyType, escapingDepth, result);
 477                      }
 478                      else if (!instanceStart &&
 479                               propertyReferenceClass &&
 480                               (propertyType == MI_REFERENCE))
 481                      {
 482                          /* %ReferenceClass; -- REFERENCE only and for classes only */
 483                          WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T(" REFERENCECLASS=\""), escapingDepth, result);
 484 krisbash 1.1             WriteBuffer_String(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, propertyReferenceClass, escapingDepth, result);
 485                          WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("\""), escapingDepth, result);
 486                      }
 488                      /* %ArraySize; -- property arays */
 489                      if ((propertyType & MI_ARRAY) && propertySubscript)
 490                      {
 491                          WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T(" ARRAYSIZE=\""), escapingDepth, result);
 492                          WriteBuffer_Uint32(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, propertySubscript, result);
 493                          WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("\""), escapingDepth, result);
 494                      }
 496                      /* %ClassOrigin; --implied if it is in the same class? */
 497                      if (IsOptionTrue(flags, MI_SERIALIZER_FLAGS_INCLUDE_CLASS_ORIGIN) &&
 498                          !instanceStart && propertyOriginClass)            
 499                      {
 500                          WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T(" CLASSORIGIN=\""), escapingDepth, result);
 501                          WriteBuffer_String(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, propertyOriginClass, escapingDepth, result);
 502                          WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("\""), escapingDepth, result);
 503                      }
 505 krisbash 1.1         /* %Propagated; -- false is default, so only needed if it is true */
 506                      if (!instanceStart && propertyPropagatorClass && (Tcscmp(propertyPropagatorClass, className) != 0))
 507                      {
 508                          isInheritedElement = MI_TRUE;
 509                          WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T(" PROPAGATED=\"true\""), escapingDepth, result);
 510                      }
 511                      /* %EmbeddedObject; -- type=MI_INSTANCE/MI_INSTANCEA for instances only, class does not have this--class has qualifier */
 512                      if (instanceStart &&
 513                          ((propertyType == MI_INSTANCE) ||
 514                          (propertyType == MI_INSTANCEA)))
 515                      {
 516                          if (propertyReferenceClass == NULL)
 517                          {
 518                              WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T(" EmbeddedObject=\"object\""), escapingDepth, result);
 519                          }
 520                          else
 521                          {
 522                              WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T(" EmbeddedObject=\"instance\" EmbeddedClassName=\""), escapingDepth, result);
 523                              WriteBuffer_String(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, propertyReferenceClass, escapingDepth, result);
 524                              WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("\""), escapingDepth, result);
 525                          }
 526 krisbash 1.1         }
 527                      /* MODIFIED is our own attribute that handles the property flag MI_FLAG_NOT_MODIFIED.  It is only relevant for instances. */
 528                      if (instanceStart)
 529                      {
 530                          MI_Uint32 flag = Field_GetFlagsExt(propertyType, (Field *)instanceStart+propertyOffset);
 532                          if ((flag & MI_FLAG_NOT_MODIFIED) == 0)
 533                          {
 534                              WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T(" MODIFIED=\"TRUE\""), escapingDepth, result);
 535                          }
 536                          if (flag & MI_FLAG_NULL)
 537                          {
 538                              propertyValueExists = MI_FALSE;
 539                          }            
 540                      }
 542                      WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T(">"), escapingDepth, result);
 544                      /* QUALIFIERS -- class only*/
 545                      if (!instanceStart && IsOptionTrue(flags, MI_SERIALIZER_FLAGS_INCLUDE_QUALIFIERS))
 546                      {        
 547 krisbash 1.1             if ((propertyFlags & MI_FLAG_PROPERTY) == 0)
 548                          {
 549                              //Dynamic classes do not have qualifiers, only flags.  They don't even mark a property as being a property!
 551                              //If this is a dynanic instance and this is property is an embedded instance then we need to fabricate a EmbeddedObject qualifier otherwise
 552                              //deserialization will think it is a string
 553                              if ((propertyType&~MI_ARRAY) == MI_INSTANCE)
 554                              {
 555                                  WriteBuffer_EmbeddedPropertyQualifier(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, propertyReferenceClass, result);
 556                              }
 558                              WriteBuffer_MiFlagQualifiers(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, propertyFlags, result);
 559                          }
 560                          else
 561                          {
 562                              WriteBuffer_MiParamPropertyQualifierSet(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, &propertyQualifierSet, propertyFlags, isInheritedElement, ((propertyType&~MI_ARRAY) == MI_INSTANCE), propertyReferenceClass, result);
 563                          }
 564                      }
 566                      /* Values and closing element */
 567                      if (propertyType & MI_ARRAY)
 568 krisbash 1.1         {
 569                          if (propertyType == MI_REFERENCEA)
 570                          {
 571                              //Property arrays are not supported in CIM or in serialization.
 572                              //This is a hard error overwriting any other error that may be there.
 573                              *result = MI_RESULT_NOT_SUPPORTED;
 574                              return;
 575                          }
 576                          else
 577                          {
 578                              /* VALUE.ARRAY*/
 579                              if (instanceStart)
 580                              {
 581              #ifdef _MSC_VER
 582              #pragma prefast(push)
 583              #pragma prefast (disable: 26007)
 584              #endif
 585                                  if (propertyValueExists)
 586                                      WriteBuffer_MiArrayField(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, propertyType, (MI_ArrayField*)(instanceStart+propertyOffset), escapingDepth, result);
 587              #ifdef _MSC_VER
 588              #pragma prefast(pop)
 589 krisbash 1.1 #endif
 590                              }
 591                              else
 592                              {
 593                                  if (propertyValueExists && ((propertyType & MI_FLAG_NULL) == 0))
 594                                      WriteBuffer_MiValueArray(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, propertyType, (MI_Array*)(&propertyValue), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 595                              }
 597                              WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("</PROPERTY.ARRAY>"), escapingDepth, result);
 598                          }
 599                      }
 600                      else if (propertyType == MI_REFERENCE)
 601                      {
 602                          MI_Instance *refValue = NULL;
 603                          if (instanceStart)
 604                          {
 605                              MI_ReferenceField *field = (MI_ReferenceField *)(instanceStart+propertyOffset);
 607                              refValue = field->value;
 609                          }
 610 krisbash 1.1             else
 611                          {
 612                              if (propertyValueExists)
 613                              {
 614                                  refValue = propertyValue.instance;
 615                              }
 616                          }
 618                          if (refValue)
 619                          {
 620                              WriteBuffer_InstanceReference(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, namespaceName, serverName, refValue, escapingDepth, result);
 621                          }
 622                          WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("</PROPERTY.REFERENCE>"), escapingDepth, result);
 623                      }
 624                      else
 625                      {
 626                          /* VALUE */
 627                          if (instanceStart)
 628                          {
 629                              WriteBuffer_MiTypeField(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, propertyType, instanceStart+propertyOffset, escapingDepth, result);
 630                          }
 631 krisbash 1.1             else
 632                          {
 633                              if(propertyValueExists)
 634                                  WriteBuffer_MiValue(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, propertyType, (MI_Value*)(&propertyValue), MI_TRUE, SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 635                          }
 637                          WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("</PROPERTY>"), escapingDepth, result);
 638                      }
 639                  }
 640              }
 642              MI_INLINE void WriteBuffer_NoneEscapedChar(
 643                  _Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer,
 644                  MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength,
 645                 _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded,
 646                 _In_ const MI_Char charToWrite,
 647                 _Inout_ MI_Result *result)
 648              {
 649                  MI_Uint32 origBufferNeeded = *clientBufferNeeded;
 650                  (*clientBufferNeeded)+=sizeof(MI_Char);
 651                  if ((*result==MI_RESULT_OK) && (*clientBufferNeeded <= clientBufferLength))
 652 krisbash 1.1     {
 653                      ((MI_Char*)clientBuffer)[origBufferNeeded/sizeof(MI_Char)] = charToWrite;
 654                  }
 655                  else if (*result == MI_RESULT_OK)
 656                  {
 657                      //If error has not already been set then set it now
 658                      *result = MI_RESULT_FAILED;
 659                  }
 660              }
 661              static void WriteBuffer_Char(
 662                  _Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer,
 663                  MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength,
 664                 _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded,
 665                 _In_ const MI_Char charToWrite,
 666                 MI_Uint32 escapingDepth, //0 means no escaping
 667                 _Inout_ MI_Result *result)
 668              {
 669                  static const struct
 670                  {
 671                      const MI_Char* str;
 672                      size_t len;
 673 krisbash 1.1     } _encode[] =
 674                  {
 675                      { PAL_T("&#0;"), 4 },
 676                      { PAL_T("&#1;"), 4 },
 677                      { PAL_T("&#2;"), 4 },
 678                      { PAL_T("&#3;"), 4 },
 679                      { PAL_T("&#4;"), 4 },
 680                      { PAL_T("&#5;"), 4 },
 681                      { PAL_T("&#6;"), 4 },
 682                      { PAL_T("&#7;"), 4 },
 683                      { PAL_T("&#8;"), 4 },
 684                      { PAL_T("&#9;"), 4 },
 685                      { PAL_T("&#10;"), 5 },
 686                      { PAL_T("&#11;"), 5 },
 687                      { PAL_T("&#12;"), 5 },
 688                      { PAL_T("&#13;"), 5},
 689                      { PAL_T("&#14;"), 5 },
 690                      { PAL_T("&#15;"), 5 },
 691                      { PAL_T("&#16;"), 5 },
 692                      { PAL_T("&#17;"), 5 },
 693                      { PAL_T("&#18;"), 5 },
 694 krisbash 1.1         { PAL_T("&#19;"), 5 },
 695                      { PAL_T("&#20;"), 5 },
 696                      { PAL_T("&#21;"), 5 },
 697                      { PAL_T("&#22;"), 5 },
 698                      { PAL_T("&#23;"), 5 },
 699                      { PAL_T("&#24;"), 5 },
 700                      { PAL_T("&#25;"), 5 },
 701                      { PAL_T("&#26;"), 5 },
 702                      { PAL_T("&#27;"), 5 },
 703                      { PAL_T("&#28;"), 5 },
 704                      { PAL_T("&#29;"), 5 },
 705                      { PAL_T("&#30;"), 5 },
 706                      { PAL_T("&#31;"), 5 },
 707                      { NULL, 0 },
 708                      { NULL, 0 },
 709                      { PAL_T("&quot;"), 6 },
 710                      { NULL, 0 },
 711                      { NULL, 0 },
 712                      { NULL, 0 },
 713                      { PAL_T("&amp;"), 5 },
 714                      { PAL_T("&apos;"), 6 },
 715 krisbash 1.1         { NULL, 0 },
 716                      { NULL, 0 },
 717                      { NULL, 0 },
 718                      { NULL, 0 },
 719                      { NULL, 0 },
 720                      { NULL, 0 },
 721                      { NULL, 0 },
 722                      { NULL, 0 },
 723                      { NULL, 0 },
 724                      { NULL, 0 },
 725                      { NULL, 0 },
 726                      { NULL, 0 },
 727                      { NULL, 0 },
 728                      { NULL, 0 },
 729                      { NULL, 0 },
 730                      { NULL, 0 },
 731                      { NULL, 0 },
 732                      { NULL, 0 },
 733                      { NULL, 0 },
 734                      { NULL, 0 },
 735                      { PAL_T("&lt;"), 4 },
 736 krisbash 1.1         { NULL, 0 },
 737                      { PAL_T("&gt;"), 4 }
 738                  };
 740                  if ((escapingDepth == 0) ||
 741                      (charToWrite > L'>') ||
 742                      (_encode[(unsigned int)charToWrite].str == NULL))
 743                  {
 744                      WriteBuffer_NoneEscapedChar(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, charToWrite, result);
 745                  }
 746                  else
 747                  {
 748                      WriteBuffer_StringWithLength(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, _encode[(unsigned int)charToWrite].str, _encode[(unsigned int)charToWrite].len, escapingDepth-1, result);
 749                  }
 750              }
 752              /* Preferred write mechanism as we don't need to Tcslen the buffer to write */
 753              static void WriteBuffer_StringWithLength(
 754                  _Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer,
 755                  MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength,
 756                 _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded,
 757 krisbash 1.1    _In_reads_z_(bufferToWriteLength) const MI_Char *bufferToWrite,
 758                 MI_Uint32 bufferToWriteLength,
 759                 MI_Uint32 escapingDepth, //0 or SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE means no escaping
 760                 _Inout_ MI_Result *result)
 761              {
 762                  if (escapingDepth == 0)
 763                  {
 764                      MI_Uint32 origBufferNeeded = *clientBufferNeeded;
 765                      (*clientBufferNeeded) += (bufferToWriteLength * sizeof(MI_Char));
 766                      if ((*result==MI_RESULT_OK) && (*clientBufferNeeded <= clientBufferLength))
 767                      {
 768                          memcpy(clientBuffer + origBufferNeeded, bufferToWrite, bufferToWriteLength * sizeof(MI_Char));
 769                      }
 770                      else if (*result == MI_RESULT_OK)
 771                      {
 772                          //If error has not already been set then set it now
 773                          *result = MI_RESULT_FAILED;
 774                      }
 775                  }
 776                  else
 777                  {
 778 krisbash 1.1         MI_Uint32 loop;
 779                      for (loop = 0; loop != bufferToWriteLength; loop++)
 780                      {
 781                          WriteBuffer_Char(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, bufferToWrite[loop], escapingDepth, result);
 782                      }
 783                  }
 784              }
 786              /* writes the textual version of MI_Type */
 787              static void WriteBuffer_MiType(
 788                  _Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer,
 789                  MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength,
 790                 _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded,
 791                 MI_Type type,
 792                 MI_Uint32 escapingDepth,
 793                 _Inout_ MI_Result *result)
 794              {
 795                  static struct _mapping { const MI_Char *typeString; MI_Uint32 typeStringLength; } mapping[] =
 796                  {
 797                      {PAL_T("boolean"), WCSLEN(PAL_T("boolean")) },
 798                      {PAL_T("uint8"),  WCSLEN(PAL_T("uint8")) },
 799 krisbash 1.1         {PAL_T("sint8"),  WCSLEN(PAL_T("sint8")) },
 800                      {PAL_T("uint16"), WCSLEN(PAL_T("uint16")) },
 801                      {PAL_T("sint16"), WCSLEN(PAL_T("sint16")) },
 802                      {PAL_T("uint32"), WCSLEN(PAL_T("uint32")) },
 803                      {PAL_T("sint32"), WCSLEN(PAL_T("sint32")) },
 804                      {PAL_T("uint64"), WCSLEN(PAL_T("uint64")) },
 805                      {PAL_T("sint64"), WCSLEN(PAL_T("sint64")) },
 806                      {PAL_T("real32"), WCSLEN(PAL_T("real32")) },
 807                      {PAL_T("real64"), WCSLEN(PAL_T("real64")) },
 808                      {PAL_T("char16"), WCSLEN(PAL_T("char16")) },
 809                      {PAL_T("datetime"),  WCSLEN(PAL_T("datetime")) },
 810                      {PAL_T("string"), WCSLEN(PAL_T("string")) },
 811                      {PAL_T("unused"), WCSLEN(PAL_T("unused")) },   /* Reference, not used */
 812                      {PAL_T("string"), WCSLEN(PAL_T("string")) }     /* Instance is encoded as a string */
 813                  };
 814                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T(" TYPE=\""), escapingDepth, result);
 815                  if ((type&~MI_ARRAY) >= sizeof(mapping)/sizeof(mapping[0]))
 816                  {
 817                      WriteBuffer_StringWithLength(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("unknown"), WCSLEN(PAL_T("unknown")), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 818                  }
 819                  else
 820 krisbash 1.1     {
 821                      WriteBuffer_StringWithLength(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, mapping[type&~MI_ARRAY].typeString, mapping[type&~MI_ARRAY].typeStringLength, SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 822                  }
 823                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("\""), escapingDepth, result);
 824              }
 826              /* writes the textual version of MI_Array based on MI_Type. */
 827              static void WriteBuffer_MiValueArray(
 828                  _Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer,
 829                  MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength,
 830                 _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded,
 831                 MI_Type type,
 832                 _In_ const MI_Array *arrayValue,
 833                 MI_Uint32 escapingDepth,
 834                 _Inout_ MI_Result *result)
 835              {
 836                  MI_Uint32 index;
 837                  MI_Type scalarType = (MI_Type)(type&~MI_ARRAY);
 838                  char* ptr;
 840                  if (arrayValue == NULL)
 841 krisbash 1.1         return;
 843                  ptr = (char*)arrayValue->data;
 845                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("<VALUE.ARRAY>"),escapingDepth, result);
 846                  for(index = 0; index != arrayValue->size; index++)
 847                  {
 848                      WriteBuffer_MiValue(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, scalarType, (MI_Value*)ptr, MI_TRUE, escapingDepth, result);
 850                      ptr += Type_SizeOf(scalarType);
 851                  }
 852                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("</VALUE.ARRAY>"),escapingDepth, result);
 853              }
 855              /* writes the textual version of MI_Value based on MI_Type. */
 856              static void WriteBuffer_MiValue(
 857                  _Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer,
 858                  MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength,
 859                 _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded,
 860                 MI_Type type,
 861                 _In_opt_ const MI_Value *value,
 862 krisbash 1.1    MI_Boolean includeTags,
 863                 MI_Uint32 escapingDepth,
 864                 _Inout_ MI_Result *result)
 865              {
 866                  // MI_Char stringbuffer[_CVTBUFSIZE];
 867                  TChar strBufForUnsignedConversion[21];
 868                  TChar strBufForSignedConversion[64];
 869                  const TChar *convertedBuffer = NULL;
 870                  TChar strBufForDatetimeConversion[26];
 871                  size_t convertedSize = 0;
 873                  if (value == NULL)
 874                      return;
 876                  strBufForSignedConversion[0] = PAL_T('\0');
 877                  if (includeTags)
 878                      WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("<VALUE>"), escapingDepth, result);
 880                  switch(type)
 881                  {
 882                  case MI_BOOLEAN:
 883 krisbash 1.1     {
 884                      MI_Boolean boolValue = value->boolean;
 885                      if (boolValue)
 886                          WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("true"), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 887                      else
 888                          WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("false"), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 889                      break;
 890                  }
 891                  case MI_UINT8:
 892                      Uint64ToZStr(strBufForUnsignedConversion, value->uint8, &convertedBuffer, &convertedSize);
 893                      WriteBuffer_StringWithLength(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded,
 894                                      convertedBuffer, convertedSize,
 895                                      SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 896                      break;
 897                  case MI_SINT8:
 898                      Sint64ToZStr(strBufForSignedConversion, value->sint8, &convertedBuffer, &convertedSize);
 899                      WriteBuffer_StringWithLength(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded,
 900                                      convertedBuffer, convertedSize,
 901                                      SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 902                      break;
 903                  case MI_UINT16:
 904 krisbash 1.1         Uint64ToZStr(strBufForUnsignedConversion, value->uint16, &convertedBuffer, &convertedSize);
 905                      WriteBuffer_StringWithLength(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded,
 906                                          convertedBuffer, convertedSize,
 907                                          SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 908                      break;
 909                  case MI_SINT16:
 910                      Sint64ToZStr(strBufForSignedConversion, value->sint16, &convertedBuffer, &convertedSize);
 911                      WriteBuffer_StringWithLength(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded,
 912                          convertedBuffer, convertedSize,
 913                          SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 914                      break;
 915                  case MI_UINT32:
 916                      Uint64ToZStr(strBufForUnsignedConversion, value->uint32, &convertedBuffer, &convertedSize); 
 917                      WriteBuffer_StringWithLength(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded,
 918                                      convertedBuffer, convertedSize,
 919                                      SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 920                      break;
 921                  case MI_SINT32:
 922                      Sint64ToZStr(strBufForSignedConversion, value->sint32, &convertedBuffer, &convertedSize);
 923                      WriteBuffer_StringWithLength(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded,
 924                                      convertedBuffer, convertedSize,
 925 krisbash 1.1                         SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 926                      break;
 927                  case MI_UINT64:
 928                      Uint64ToZStr(strBufForUnsignedConversion, value->uint64, &convertedBuffer, &convertedSize);
 929                      WriteBuffer_StringWithLength(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded,
 930                                      convertedBuffer, convertedSize,
 931                                      SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 932                      break;
 933                  case MI_SINT64:
 934                      Sint64ToZStr(strBufForSignedConversion, value->sint64, &convertedBuffer, &convertedSize);
 935                      WriteBuffer_StringWithLength(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded,
 936                                          convertedBuffer, convertedSize,
 937                                          SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 938                      break;
 939                  case MI_REAL32:
 940                  {
 941              #if defined(_MSC_VER)		
 942                      unsigned int old_exponent_format = _set_output_format(_TWO_DIGIT_EXPONENT);		
 943              #endif
 944                      Stprintf(strBufForSignedConversion, MI_COUNT(strBufForSignedConversion), PAL_T("%.7e"), (double)value->real32);
 945              #if defined(_MSC_VER)		        
 946 krisbash 1.1         _set_output_format(old_exponent_format);
 947              #endif
 948                      WriteBuffer_String(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, strBufForSignedConversion, SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 949                      break;
 950                  }
 951                  case MI_REAL64:
 952                  {
 953              #if defined(_MSC_VER)		
 954              		unsigned int old_exponent_format = _set_output_format(_TWO_DIGIT_EXPONENT); 	
 955              #endif
 956                      Stprintf(strBufForSignedConversion, MI_COUNT(strBufForSignedConversion), PAL_T("%.16e"), (double)value->real64);
 958              #if defined(_MSC_VER)		        
 959                      _set_output_format(old_exponent_format);
 960              #endif        
 961                      WriteBuffer_String(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, strBufForSignedConversion, SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 962                      break;
 963                  }
 964                  case MI_CHAR16:
 965                      // We decided to encode the MI_Char16 as number itself since if we do not then we have to encode this differently when the MI_Char is char as opposed to when it is wchar_t
 966                      // OMI instance serialization also uses the same logic so this makes it consistent with that
 967 krisbash 1.1         // WriteBuffer_StringWithLength(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, (const MI_Char *)&value->char16, 1, escapingDepth+1, result);
 968                      Uint64ToZStr(strBufForUnsignedConversion, value->char16, &convertedBuffer, &convertedSize);
 970                      WriteBuffer_StringWithLength(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded,
 971                                      convertedBuffer, convertedSize, 
 972                                      SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 973                      break;
 974                  case MI_DATETIME:
 975                      {
 976                          const MI_Datetime* p = (const MI_Datetime*)value;
 978                          DatetimeToStr(p, strBufForDatetimeConversion);
 980                          WriteBuffer_String(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, strBufForDatetimeConversion, SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
 982                          break;
 983                      }
 984                  case MI_STRING:
 985                      WriteBuffer_String(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, value->string, escapingDepth+1, result);
 986                      break;
 987                  //case MI_REFERENCE: /* Other code paths handle this */
 988 krisbash 1.1     //  break;
 989                  case MI_INSTANCE:
 990                      WriteBuffer_Instance(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, (MI_Instance*)value->instance, escapingDepth+1, result);
 992                      break;
 993                  default:
 994                      *result = MI_RESULT_FAILED;
 995                  }
 996                  if (includeTags)
 997                      WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("</VALUE>"), escapingDepth, result);
 998              }
1000              static struct _FlagQualifiers
1001              {
1002                  MI_Uint32 flag;
1003                  const MI_Char *name;
1005              } sFlagQualifiers[] =
1006              {
1007                  { MI_FLAG_KEY, PAL_T("key") },
1008                  { MI_FLAG_REQUIRED, PAL_T("required") },
1009 krisbash 1.1     { MI_FLAG_STATIC, PAL_T("static") },
1010                  { MI_FLAG_EXPENSIVE, PAL_T("expensive") },
1011                  { MI_FLAG_READONLY, PAL_T("read") },
1012                  { MI_FLAG_IN, PAL_T("in") },
1013                  { MI_FLAG_OUT, PAL_T("out") },
1014                  { MI_FLAG_ABSTRACT, PAL_T("abstract") },
1015                  { MI_FLAG_TERMINAL, PAL_T("terminal") },
1016                  { MI_FLAG_ASSOCIATION, PAL_T("association") },
1017                  { MI_FLAG_INDICATION, PAL_T("indication") },
1018                  // { MI_FLAG_STREAM, PAL_T("stream") },
1019              };
1021              static MI_Uint32 sFlagQualifierCount = sizeof(sFlagQualifiers)/sizeof(sFlagQualifiers[0]);
1023              /* writes the textual version of MI_Qualifier flags. */
1024              static void WriteBuffer_MiFlagQualifiers(
1025                  _Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer,
1026                  MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength,
1027                 _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded,
1028                 MI_Uint32 flagsToSerializeAsQualifiers,   
1029                 _Inout_ MI_Result *result)
1030 krisbash 1.1 {
1031                  MI_Value value;
1032                  MI_Uint32 index;
1034                  value.boolean = MI_TRUE;
1036                  for (index = 0; index != sFlagQualifierCount; index++)
1037                  {
1038                      if (flagsToSerializeAsQualifiers & sFlagQualifiers[index].flag)
1039                      {
1040                          WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("<QUALIFIER"), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
1042                          /* %CIMName; */
1043                          WriteBuffer_CimName(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, sFlagQualifiers[index].name, SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
1045                          /* %CIMType; */
1046                          WriteBuffer_MiType(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, MI_BOOLEAN, SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
1049                          WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T(">"), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
1051 krisbash 1.1             /* VALUE */
1052                          WriteBuffer_MiValue(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, MI_BOOLEAN, &value, MI_TRUE, SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
1054                          WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("</QUALIFIER>"), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
1055                      }
1056                  }
1057              }
1059              // this function looks up the qualifiername in the sQualifierFlags list and
1060              // resets the corresponding flag from the given flags bitmask.
1061              // this could use a hash table lookup but not adding complexity
1062              // since it is a very small table so the lookup will be constant time
1063              static void ResetFlagForQualifier(_Inout_ MI_Uint32 *flags, const MI_Char *qualifierName)
1064              {
1065                  MI_Uint32 index;
1067                  // assumption is that flags has to be non-null
1068                  if(flags == NULL)
1069              	{
1070                      return;
1071              	}
1072 krisbash 1.1 
1073                  for (index = 0; index != sFlagQualifierCount; index++)
1074                  {
1075                      if(Tcscasecmp(qualifierName, sFlagQualifiers[index].name) == 0)
1076                      {
1077                          *flags = *flags & (~(sFlagQualifiers[index].flag));
1078                          break;
1079                      }
1080                  }
1081              }
1083              static void WriteBuffer_EmbeddedPropertyQualifier(
1084                   _Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer,
1085                   MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength,
1086                  _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded,
1087                    _In_opt_ const MI_Char *referenceClassForEmbeddedProperty,
1088                   _Inout_ MI_Result *result)
1089              {
1090                  MI_Type type;
1091                  MI_Value value;
1092                  const MI_Char *qualifierName = NULL;
1093 krisbash 1.1 
1094                  if(referenceClassForEmbeddedProperty == NULL)
1095                  {
1096                      type = MI_BOOLEAN;    
1097                      value.boolean = MI_TRUE;
1098                      qualifierName = PAL_T("EmbeddedObject");
1099                  }
1100                  else
1101                  {
1102                      type = MI_STRING;
1103                      value.string = (MI_Char *)referenceClassForEmbeddedProperty;
1104                      qualifierName = PAL_T("EmbeddedInstance");
1105                  }
1107                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("<QUALIFIER"), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
1109                  /* %CIMName; */
1110                  WriteBuffer_CimName(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, qualifierName, SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
1112                  /* %CIMType; */
1113                  WriteBuffer_MiType(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, type, SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);    
1114 krisbash 1.1     
1115                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T(">"), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
1117                  /* VALUE -- embedded instance class name or true for embedded object */
1118                  WriteBuffer_MiValue(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, type, &value, MI_TRUE, SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
1120                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("</QUALIFIER>"), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
1122              }
1124              static void WriteBuffer_MiQualifierSet(
1125                  _Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer,
1126                  MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength,
1127                 _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded,
1128                 _In_ const MI_QualifierSet *qualifierSet,
1129                 MI_Uint32 flagsToSerializeAsQualifiers,
1130                 MI_Boolean isQualOnInheritedElement,
1131                 _Inout_ MI_Result *result)
1132              {
1133                  WriteBuffer_MiParamPropertyQualifierSet(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, qualifierSet, flagsToSerializeAsQualifiers, isQualOnInheritedElement, MI_FALSE, NULL, result);
1134              }
1135 krisbash 1.1 
1136              static void WriteBuffer_MiParamPropertyQualifierSet(
1137                  _Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer,
1138                  MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength,
1139                 _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded,
1140                 _In_ const MI_QualifierSet *qualifierSet,
1141                 MI_Uint32 flagsToSerializeAsQualifiers,
1142                 MI_Boolean isQualOnInheritedElement,
1143                 MI_Boolean isEmbeddedProperty,
1144                 _In_opt_ const MI_Char *referenceClassForEmbeddedProperty,   
1145                 _Inout_ MI_Result *result)
1146              {
1147                  MI_Uint32 index;
1148                  MI_Uint32 qualifierCount = 0;
1149                  const MI_Char *qualifierName = NULL;
1150                  MI_Type qualifierType;
1151                  MI_Uint32 qualifierFlags;
1152                  MI_Value qualifierValue;
1153                  MI_Boolean embeddedPropertyQualifierSpecified = 0;
1155                  if(qualifierSet)
1156 krisbash 1.1     {
1157                      GetQualifierSetFt(qualifierSet)->GetQualifierCount(qualifierSet, &qualifierCount);
1158                  }
1160                  for (index = 0; index != qualifierCount; index++)
1161                  {
1162                      GetQualifierSetFt(qualifierSet)->GetQualifierAt(qualifierSet, index, &qualifierName, &qualifierType, &qualifierFlags, &qualifierValue);
1164                      // Restricted qualifier should not be sent on inherited elements
1165                      if (isQualOnInheritedElement && (qualifierFlags & MI_FLAG_RESTRICTED))
1166                          continue;
1168                      WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("<QUALIFIER"), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
1170                      /* %CIMName; */
1171                      WriteBuffer_CimName(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, qualifierName, SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
1173                      ResetFlagForQualifier(&flagsToSerializeAsQualifiers, qualifierName);
1175                      // for embeddedProperties, we will see if an explicit EmbeddedObject/EmbeddedInstance qualifier was specified, if it was not
1176                      // we will fabricate it here after the end of the loop
1177 krisbash 1.1         if(isEmbeddedProperty)
1178                      {
1179                          if(referenceClassForEmbeddedProperty == NULL)
1180                          {
1181                              if(Tcscasecmp(qualifierName, PAL_T("EmbeddedObject")) == 0)
1182                              {
1183                                  embeddedPropertyQualifierSpecified = 1;
1184                              }
1185                          }
1186                          else
1187                          {
1188                              if(Tcscasecmp(qualifierName, PAL_T("EmbeddedInstance")) == 0)
1189                              {
1190                                  embeddedPropertyQualifierSpecified = 1;
1191                              }
1192                          }
1193                      }
1195                      /* %CIMType; */
1196                      WriteBuffer_MiType(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, qualifierType, SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
1198 krisbash 1.1         /* %Propagated; TODO*/
1200                      /* %QualifierFlavor; */
1201                      /* OVERRIDABLE defaults to TRUE so only set if FALSE */
1202                      if (qualifierFlags & MI_FLAG_DISABLEOVERRIDE)
1203                      {
1204                          WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T(" OVERRIDABLE=\"false\""), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
1205                      }
1206                      /* TOSUBCLASS defaults to TRUE, so only add if not set */
1207                      if (qualifierFlags & MI_FLAG_RESTRICTED)
1208                      {
1209                          WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T(" TOSUBCLASS=\"false\""), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
1210                      }
1211                      if (qualifierFlags & MI_FLAG_TRANSLATABLE)
1212                      {
1213                          WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T(" TRANSLATABLE=\"true\""), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
1214                      }
1216                      WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T(">"), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
1218                      /* VALUE | VALUE.ARRAY */
1219 krisbash 1.1         if (qualifierType & MI_ARRAY)
1220                      {
1221                          WriteBuffer_MiValueArray(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, (MI_Type)qualifierType, (MI_Array*)(&qualifierValue), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
1222                      }
1223                      else
1224                      {
1225                          WriteBuffer_MiValue(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, (MI_Type)qualifierType, &qualifierValue, MI_TRUE, SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
1226                      }
1228                      WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("</QUALIFIER>"), SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
1229                  }
1231                  // code to fabricate embedded qualifier
1232                  if(isEmbeddedProperty && !embeddedPropertyQualifierSpecified)
1233                  {
1234                      WriteBuffer_EmbeddedPropertyQualifier(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, referenceClassForEmbeddedProperty, result);
1235                  }
1237                  WriteBuffer_MiFlagQualifiers(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, flagsToSerializeAsQualifiers, result);
1238              }
1240 krisbash 1.1 
1241              /* writes the textual version of %CIMName. (name="name") */
1242              static void WriteBuffer_CimName(
1243                  _Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer,
1244                  MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength,
1245                 _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded,
1246                 _In_z_ const MI_Char* name,
1247                  MI_Uint32 escapingDepth,
1248                 _Inout_ MI_Result *result)
1249              {
1250                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T(" NAME=\""), escapingDepth, result);
1251                  WriteBuffer_String(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, name, escapingDepth, result);
1252                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("\""), escapingDepth, result);
1253              }
1255              static void WriteBuffer_Uint32(
1256                  _Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer,
1257                  MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength,
1258                 _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded,
1259                 MI_Uint32 number,
1260                 _Inout_ MI_Result *result)
1261 krisbash 1.1 {
1262                  // MI_Char stringbuffer[_CVTBUFSIZE];
1263                  TChar strBufForUnsignedConversion[21];
1264                  size_t convertedSize = 0;
1265                  const TChar *convertedBuffer = NULL;
1267                  Uint64ToZStr(strBufForUnsignedConversion, number, &convertedBuffer, &convertedSize);
1269                  WriteBuffer_StringWithLength(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded,
1270                                  convertedBuffer, convertedSize,
1271                                  SERIALIZE_NO_ESCAPE, result);
1272              }
1274              MI_INLINE MI_Boolean _Exists(MI_Type type, const void* field)
1275              {
1276                  return *((MI_Boolean*)((char*)field + Type_SizeOf(type)));
1277              }
1279              static void WriteBuffer_MiTypeField(
1280                  _Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer,
1281                  MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength,
1282 krisbash 1.1     _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded,
1283                  MI_Type type,
1284                  _In_ const char *fieldValue,
1285                  MI_Uint32 escapingDepth,
1286                  _Inout_ MI_Result *result)
1287              {
1288                  if (_Exists(type, fieldValue))
1289                  {
1290              #ifdef _MSC_VER
1291              #pragma prefast(push)
1292              #pragma prefast (disable: 26007)
1293              #endif
1294                      WriteBuffer_MiValue(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, type, (MI_Value*)fieldValue, MI_TRUE, escapingDepth, result);
1295              #ifdef _MSC_VER
1296              #pragma prefast(pop)
1297              #endif
1298                  }
1299              }
1301              static void WriteBuffer_MiArrayField(
1302                  _Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer,
1303 krisbash 1.1     MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength,
1304                  _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded,
1305                  MI_Type type,
1306                  _In_ MI_ArrayField *arrayField,
1307                  MI_Uint32 escapingDepth,
1308                  _Inout_ MI_Result *result
1309                 )
1310              {
1311                  MI_Uint32 index;
1312                  MI_Type scalarType = (MI_Type)(type&~MI_ARRAY);
1313                  char* ptr = (char*)arrayField->value.data;
1315                  if (_Exists(type, arrayField))
1316                  {
1317                      WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("<VALUE.ARRAY>"), escapingDepth, result);
1318                      if (ptr)
1319                      {        
1320                          for(index = 0; index != arrayField->value.size; index++)
1321                          {
1322                              WriteBuffer_MiValue(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, scalarType, (MI_Value*)ptr, MI_TRUE, escapingDepth, result);
1324 krisbash 1.1                 ptr += Type_SizeOf(scalarType);
1325                          }
1326                      }
1327                      WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("</VALUE.ARRAY>"), escapingDepth, result);
1328                  }
1329              }
1331              static void WriteBuffer_LOCALNAMESPACEPATH_Internal(
1332                  _Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer,
1333                  MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength,
1334                  _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded,
1335                  _In_z_ const MI_Char *namespaceName,
1336                  MI_Uint32 escapingDepth,
1337                  _Inout_ MI_Result *result)
1338              {
1339                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("<NAMESPACE NAME=\""), escapingDepth, result);
1340                  WriteBuffer_String(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, namespaceName, escapingDepth, result);
1341                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("\"/>"), escapingDepth, result);
1342              }
1344              static void WriteBuffer_LOCALNAMESPACEPATH(
1345 krisbash 1.1     _Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer,
1346                  MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength,
1347                  _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded,
1348                  _In_z_ const MI_Char *namespaceName,
1349                  MI_Uint32 escapingDepth,
1350                  _Inout_ MI_Result *result)
1351              {
1352                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("<LOCALNAMESPACEPATH>"), escapingDepth, result);
1353                  {
1354                      MI_Uint32 uNamespaceLength = Tcslen(namespaceName) + 1;
1355                      // add fault sim shim for all malloc calls in omi
1356                      MI_Char * tNamespace = (MI_Char *)PAL_Malloc(sizeof(MI_Char)*uNamespaceLength);
1357                      MI_Char * pCurrentNamespace;
1358                      const MI_Char * pSearch;
1359                      if (tNamespace == NULL)
1360                      {
1361                          *result = MI_RESULT_SERVER_LIMITS_EXCEEDED;
1362                          return;
1363                      }
1364                      pCurrentNamespace = tNamespace;
1365                      pSearch = namespaceName;
1366 krisbash 1.1         // suppose namespaceName could be "a\\b/c\\d//e"
1367                      while(*pSearch != L'\0')
1368                      {
1369                          if (*pSearch == L'/' || *pSearch == L'\\')
1370                          {
1371                              if (pCurrentNamespace != tNamespace)
1372                              {
1373              #ifdef _MSC_VER
1374              #pragma prefast(push)
1375              #pragma prefast (disable: 26001)
1376              #endif
1377                                  // write terminator
1378                                  *pCurrentNamespace = L'\0';
1379              #ifdef _MSC_VER
1380              #pragma prefast(pop)
1381              #endif
1382                                  // the namespace part is not empty, write this part to local NAMESPACE
1383                                  WriteBuffer_LOCALNAMESPACEPATH_Internal(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, tNamespace, escapingDepth, result);
1384                                  // reset pCurrentNamespace
1385                                  pCurrentNamespace = tNamespace;
1386                              }
1387 krisbash 1.1             }
1388                          else
1389                          {
1390                              *pCurrentNamespace = *pSearch;
1391                              pCurrentNamespace++;
1392                          }
1393                          pSearch ++;
1394                      }
1395                      if (pCurrentNamespace != tNamespace)
1396                      {
1397                          // write terminator
1398                          *pCurrentNamespace = L'\0';
1399                          // the namespace part is not empty, write this part to local NAMESPACE
1400                          WriteBuffer_LOCALNAMESPACEPATH_Internal(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, tNamespace, escapingDepth, result);
1401                      }
1402                      PAL_Free(tNamespace);
1403                  }
1404                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("</LOCALNAMESPACEPATH>"), escapingDepth, result);
1405              }
1406              static void WriteBuffer_NAMESPACEPATH(
1407                  _Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer,
1408 krisbash 1.1     MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength,
1409                  _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded,
1410                  _In_z_ const MI_Char *namespaceName,
1411                  _In_z_ const MI_Char *serverName,
1412                  MI_Uint32 escapingDepth,
1413                  _Inout_ MI_Result *result)
1414              {
1415                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("<NAMESPACEPATH><HOST>"), escapingDepth, result);
1416                  WriteBuffer_String(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, serverName, escapingDepth, result);
1417                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("</HOST>"), escapingDepth, result);
1418                  WriteBuffer_LOCALNAMESPACEPATH(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, namespaceName, escapingDepth, result);
1419                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("</NAMESPACEPATH>"), escapingDepth, result);
1420              }
1422              static void WriteBuffer_INSTANCENAME_single(
1423                  _Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer,
1424                  MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength,
1425                  _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded,
1426                  _In_ const MI_Instance *refValue,
1427                  MI_Type type,
1428                  _In_ MI_Value *value,
1429 krisbash 1.1     MI_Uint32 escapingDepth,
1430                  _Inout_ MI_Result *result)
1431              {
1432                  if (type == MI_REFERENCE)
1433                  {
1434                      const MI_Char *namespaceName = NULL;
1435                      const MI_Char *serverName = NULL;
1436                      if ((value->instance->nameSpace && (refValue->nameSpace == NULL)) ||
1437                          (refValue->nameSpace  && value->instance->nameSpace && (Tcscasecmp(refValue->nameSpace, value->instance->nameSpace) != 0)))
1438                      {
1439                          namespaceName = value->instance->nameSpace;
1440                      }
1441                      if ((value->instance->serverName && (refValue->serverName == NULL)) ||
1442                          (refValue->serverName  && value->instance->serverName && (Tcscasecmp(refValue->serverName, value->instance->serverName) != 0)))
1443                      {
1444                          serverName = value->instance->serverName;
1445                      }
1446                      WriteBuffer_InstanceReference(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, namespaceName, serverName, value->reference, escapingDepth, result);
1447                  }
1448                  else
1449                  {
1450 krisbash 1.1         switch(type)
1451                      {
1452                      case MI_BOOLEAN:
1453                          WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("<KEYVALUE VALUETYPE=\"boolean\""), escapingDepth, result);
1454                          break;
1455                      case MI_DATETIME:
1456                      case MI_STRING:
1457                      case MI_CHAR16:
1458                          WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("<KEYVALUE VALUETYPE=\"string\""), escapingDepth, result);
1459                          break;
1460                      default:
1461                          WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("<KEYVALUE VALUETYPE=\"numeric\""), escapingDepth, result);
1462                          break;
1463                      }
1464                      WriteBuffer_MiType(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, (MI_Type)type, escapingDepth, result);
1466                      WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T(">"), escapingDepth, result);
1468                      WriteBuffer_MiValue(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, type, value, MI_FALSE, escapingDepth, result);
1470                      WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("</KEYVALUE>"), escapingDepth, result);
1471 krisbash 1.1     }
1472              }
1473              static void WriteBuffer_INSTANCENAME(
1474                  _Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer,
1475                  MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength,
1476                  _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded,
1477                  _In_ const MI_Instance *refValue,
1478                  MI_Uint32 escapingDepth,
1479                  _Inout_ MI_Result *result)
1480              {
1481                  /* Need to count keys to determine if we need to use KEYBINDING [more than 1 key] or (KEYVALUE|VALUE.REFERENCE) [only 1 key] */
1482                  MI_Uint32 keyCount = 0;
1483                  MI_Uint32 propertyIndex;
1484                  MI_Uint32 totalPropertyCount = 0;
1485                  MI_Class classOfRefValue = MI_CLASS_NULL;
1486                  const MI_Char *classNameOfRefValue = NULL;
1487                  MI_Uint32 propertyFlags;
1489                  *result = MI_Instance_GetClassExt(refValue, &classOfRefValue);
1491                  *result = GetClassExtendedFt(&classOfRefValue)->GetClassName(&classOfRefValue, &classNameOfRefValue);
1492 krisbash 1.1 
1493                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("<INSTANCENAME CLASSNAME=\""), escapingDepth, result);
1494                  if(classNameOfRefValue)
1495                  {
1496                      WriteBuffer_String(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, classNameOfRefValue, escapingDepth, result);
1497                  }
1498                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("\">"), escapingDepth, result);
1500                  GetClassExtendedFt(&classOfRefValue)->GetElementCount(&classOfRefValue, &totalPropertyCount);
1502                  for (propertyIndex = 0;propertyIndex != totalPropertyCount; propertyIndex++)
1503                  {
1504                      GetClassExtendedFt(&classOfRefValue)->GetElementAtExt(&classOfRefValue, propertyIndex, NULL, NULL, NULL,
1505                                                              NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &propertyFlags);    
1507                      if (propertyFlags & MI_FLAG_KEY)
1508                      {
1509                          keyCount++;
1510                      }
1511                  }
1513 krisbash 1.1     for (propertyIndex = 0;propertyIndex != totalPropertyCount; propertyIndex++)
1514                  {
1515                      GetClassExtendedFt(&classOfRefValue)->GetElementAtExt(&classOfRefValue, propertyIndex, NULL, NULL, NULL,
1516                                                              NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &propertyFlags);    
1518                      if (propertyFlags & MI_FLAG_KEY)
1519                      {
1520                          const MI_Char *name;
1521                          MI_Value value;
1522                          MI_Type type;
1523                          MI_Uint32 flags;
1524                          MI_Result tmpResult = MI_Instance_GetElementAt(refValue, propertyIndex, &name, &value, &type, &flags);
1525                          if (tmpResult != MI_RESULT_OK)
1526                          {
1527                              *result = tmpResult;
1528                              return;
1529                          }
1531                          if (keyCount == 1)
1532                          {
1533                              WriteBuffer_INSTANCENAME_single(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, refValue, type, &value, escapingDepth, result);
1534 krisbash 1.1             }
1535                          else
1536                          {
1537                              WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("<KEYBINDING NAME=\""), escapingDepth, result);
1538                              WriteBuffer_String(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, name, escapingDepth, result);
1539                              WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("\">"), escapingDepth, result);
1540                              WriteBuffer_INSTANCENAME_single(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, refValue, type, &value, escapingDepth, result);
1541                              WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("</KEYBINDING>"), escapingDepth, result);
1542                          }
1543                      }
1544                  }
1545                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("</INSTANCENAME>"), escapingDepth, result);
1546              }
1548              static void WriteBuffer_LOCALINSTANCEPATH(
1549                  _Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer,
1550                  MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength,
1551                  _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded,
1552                  _In_z_ const MI_Char *namespaceName,
1553                  _In_ const MI_Instance *refValue,
1554                  MI_Uint32 escapingDepth,
1555 krisbash 1.1     _Inout_ MI_Result *result)
1556              {
1557                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("<LOCALINSTANCEPATH>"), escapingDepth, result);
1558                  WriteBuffer_LOCALNAMESPACEPATH(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, namespaceName, escapingDepth, result);
1559                  WriteBuffer_INSTANCENAME(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, refValue, escapingDepth, result);
1560                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("</LOCALINSTANCEPATH>"), escapingDepth, result);
1561              }
1563              static void WriteBuffer_INSTANCEPATH(
1564                  _Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer,
1565                  MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength,
1566                  _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded,
1567                  _In_z_ const MI_Char *namespaceName,
1568                  _In_z_ const MI_Char *serverName,
1569                  _In_ const MI_Instance *refValue,
1570                  MI_Uint32 escapingDepth,
1571                  _Inout_ MI_Result *result)
1572              {
1573                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("<INSTANCEPATH>"), escapingDepth, result);
1574                  WriteBuffer_NAMESPACEPATH(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, namespaceName, serverName, escapingDepth, result);
1575                  WriteBuffer_INSTANCENAME(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, refValue, escapingDepth, result);
1576 krisbash 1.1     WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("</INSTANCEPATH>"), escapingDepth, result);
1577              }
1578              static void WriteBuffer_InstanceReference(
1579                  _Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer,
1580                  MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength,
1581                  _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded,
1582                  _In_opt_z_ const MI_Char *_namespaceName,
1583                  _In_opt_z_ const MI_Char *_serverName,
1584                  _In_ const MI_Instance *refInstance_,
1585                  MI_Uint32 escapingDepth,
1586                  _Inout_ MI_Result *result)
1587              {
1588                  const MI_Char *namespaceName = NULL;
1589                  const MI_Char *serverName = NULL;
1590                  // No one is using OSC_Instance structure inside OMI;
1591                  // so I am assuming all instances here are going to be MI_Instances
1592                  // so getting rid of this OSC_Instance from the reused code and replacing it with MI_Instance
1593                  // in the future if someone adds OSC_Instance in OMI then add this back
1594                  // MI_Instance *refInstance = (MI_Instance*)(((OSC_Instance*)refInstance_)->self);  //In case this is dynamic instance point to the real one, otherwise it points to ourself!
1595                  const MI_Instance *refInstance = refInstance_;
1597 krisbash 1.1     if ((_namespaceName && refInstance->nameSpace && (Tcscasecmp(_namespaceName, refInstance->nameSpace)!=0)) ||
1598                           (!_namespaceName && refInstance->nameSpace))
1599                  {
1600                      namespaceName = refInstance->nameSpace;
1601                  }
1602                  if ((_serverName && refInstance->serverName && (Tcscasecmp(_serverName, refInstance->serverName)!=0)) ||
1603                           (!_serverName && refInstance->serverName))
1604                  {
1605                      serverName = refInstance->serverName;
1606                  }
1608                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("<VALUE.REFERENCE>"), escapingDepth, result);
1609                  if (serverName && namespaceName)
1610                  {
1611                      WriteBuffer_INSTANCEPATH(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, namespaceName, serverName, refInstance, escapingDepth, result);
1612                  }
1613                  else if (namespaceName)
1614                  {
1615                      WriteBuffer_LOCALINSTANCEPATH(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, namespaceName, refInstance, escapingDepth, result);
1616                  }
1617                  else
1618 krisbash 1.1     {
1619                      WriteBuffer_INSTANCENAME(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, refInstance, escapingDepth, result);
1620                  }
1621                  WriteBuffer_StringLiteral(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, PAL_T("</VALUE.REFERENCE>"), escapingDepth, result);
1622              }
1624              /* Serialize class api; assumes the MI_Class is setup with right function table using Class_Construct*/
1625              MI_Result MI_CALL XmlSerializer_SerializeClass(
1626                  _Inout_ MI_Serializer *serializer,
1627                  MI_Uint32 flags,
1628                  _In_ const MI_Class *classObject,
1629                 _Out_writes_bytes_(clientBufferLength) MI_Uint8 *clientBuffer,
1630                  MI_Uint32 clientBufferLength,
1631                 _Inout_ MI_Uint32 *clientBufferNeeded)
1632              {
1633                  MI_Result result = MI_RESULT_OK;
1637                              MI_SERIALIZER_FLAGS_INCLUDE_INHERITED_ELEMENTS |
1638                              MI_SERIALIZER_FLAGS_INCLUDE_QUALIFIERS;
1639 krisbash 1.1 
1640                  if (((flags != 0) && (flags & ~validFlags)) ||
1641                      (classObject == NULL) || (clientBufferNeeded == NULL))
1642                  {
1643                      return MI_RESULT_INVALID_PARAMETER;
1644                  }
1646                  *clientBufferNeeded = 0;
1648                  WriteBuffer_SerializeClass(clientBuffer, clientBufferLength, clientBufferNeeded, flags, classObject, classObject->namespaceName, classObject->serverName, &result);
1650                  return result;
1651              }

ViewCVS 0.9.2