(file) Return to getbinspvt.cmd CVS log (file) (dir) Up to [OMI] / omi / ut / win

 1 krisbash 1.1 @ECHO OFF
 3              REM usage check - make sure user alias specified
 4              if "%1"=="" (set INFO=echo && set SEXIT=1) else (set INFO=rem && set SEXIT=0)
 6              %INFO% Usage: getbins binaries_source
 7              %INFO%            binaries_source is the source to copy bins from, for example: \\tsclient\d\buddy\fbl_srv_msp.binaries.x86fre
 9              if "%SEXIT%"=="1" goto :EXIT
11              if not "%2"=="" goto :EXIT
13              IF EXIST %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\taskkill.exe (    
14                  %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\taskkill /F /im omiserver.exe
15              ) ELSE (
16                  kill omiserver.exe
17              )
18              rem xcopy binaries from scratch to local directories
19              echo Copying WinOMI bins ...
20              xcopy /s/e/q/r/y/D %1\WinOMI .\WinOMI\
21              if not %errorlevel% == 0 (echo "ERROR: Bin file copy failed." && goto :EXIT)
22 krisbash 1.1 xcopy /s/e/q/r/y/D %1\Symbols.pri .\Symbols.pri\
23              if not %errorlevel% == 0 (echo "ERROR: Bin file copy failed." && goto :EXIT)
24              xcopy /y/q/D %1\nitsdll.dll .
25              if not %errorlevel% == 0 (echo "ERROR: Bin file copy failed." && goto :EXIT)
26              xcopy /y/q/D %1\nitsinj.dll .
27              if not %errorlevel% == 0 (echo "ERROR: Bin file copy failed." && goto :EXIT)
28              xcopy /y/q/D %1\nits.exe .
29              if not %errorlevel% == 0 (echo "ERROR: Bin file copy failed." && goto :EXIT)
30              xcopy /y/q/D %1\nitssample.dll .
31              if not %errorlevel% == 0 (echo "ERROR: Bin file copy failed." && goto :EXIT)
32              xcopy /y/q/D %1\nitssampleproduct.dll .
33              if not %errorlevel% == 0 (echo "ERROR: Bin file copy failed." && goto :EXIT)
34              echo ... test bins copied.
36              :EXIT 

ViewCVS 0.9.2