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 1 krisbash 1.1 // Copyright (c) 2009 DMTF.  All rights reserved.
 2                 [Version ( "2.22.0" ), 
 3                  UMLPackagePath ( "CIM::Core::Capabilities" ), 
 4                  Description ( 
 5                     "EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities describes the capabilities "
 6                     "supported for changing the state of the assciated "
 7                     "EnabledLogicalElement." )]
 8              class CIM_EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities : CIM_Capabilities {
10                    [Description ( 
11                        "Boolean indicating whether the ElementName can be modified."
12                         ), 
13                     MappingStrings { 
14                        "FC-SWAPI.INCITS-T11|SWAPI_UNIT_CONFIG_CAPS_T|EditName" }, 
15                     ModelCorrespondence { "CIM_ManagedElement.ElementName" }]
16                 boolean ElementNameEditSupported;
18                    [Description ( "Maximum supported ElementName length." ), 
19                     MaxValue ( 256 ), 
20                     MappingStrings { 
21                        "FC-SWAPI.INCITS-T11|SWAPI_UNIT_CONFIG_CAPS_T|MaxNameChars" }, 
22 krisbash 1.1        ModelCorrespondence { 
23                        "CIM_FCSwitchCapabilities.ElementNameEditSupported", 
24                        "CIM_EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities.ElementNameMask" }]
25                 uint16 MaxElementNameLen;
27                    [Description ( 
28                        "RequestedStatesSupported indicates the possible states "
29                        "that can be requested when using the method "
30                        "RequestStateChange on the EnabledLogicalElement." ), 
31                     ValueMap { "2", "3", "4", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11" }, 
32                     Values { "Enabled", "Disabled", "Shut Down", "Offline", 
33                        "Test", "Defer", "Quiesce", "Reboot", "Reset" }, 
34                     ModelCorrespondence { 
35                        "CIM_EnabledLogicalElement.RequestStateChange" }]
36                 uint16 RequestedStatesSupported[];
38                    [Description ( 
39                        "This string expresses the restrictions on "
40                        "ElementName.The mask is expressed as a regular "
41                        "expression.See DMTF standard ABNF with the Management "
42                        "Profile Specification Usage Guide, appendix C for the "
43 krisbash 1.1           "regular expression syntax permitted. \n"
44                        "Since the ElementNameMask can describe the maximum "
45                        "length of the ElementName,any length defined in the "
46                        "regexp is in addition to the restriction defined in "
47                        "MaxElementNameLen (causing the smaller value to be the "
48                        "maximum length)The ElementName value satisfies the "
49                        "restriction, if and only if it matches the regular "
50                        "expression" ), 
51                     ModelCorrespondence { 
52                        "CIM_EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities.MaxElementNameLen" }]
53                 string ElementNameMask;
55                    [Experimental, Description ( 
56                        "StateAwareness indicates support for modeling the state "
57                        "of the associated instance of CIM_EnabledLogicalElement. \n"
58                        "If StateAwareness contains the value 2 \"Implicit\", the "
59                        "RequestedState and TransitioningToState properties of "
60                        "the associated instance of CIM_EnabledLogicalElement "
61                        "shall provide information about state transitions that "
62                        "were initiated through a mechanism other than invocation "
63                        "of the RequestStateChange() method. \n"
64 krisbash 1.1           "If StateAwareness contains the value 3 "
65                        "\"RequestStateChange\", the RequestedState and "
66                        "TransitioningToState properties of the associated "
67                        "instance of CIM_EnabledLogicalElement shall provide "
68                        "information about state transitions initiated by "
69                        "invocation of the RequestStateChange() method. \n"
70                        "A value of NULL or an array that contains zero elements "
71                        "shall indicate the RequestedState and "
72                        "TransitioningToState properties will not reflect any "
73                        "transitions, irrespective of how they are initiated." ), 
74                     ValueMap { "2", "3", ".." }, 
75                     Values { "Implicit", "RequestStateChange", "DMTF Reserved" }]
76                 uint16 StateAwareness[];
79              };

ViewCVS 0.9.2