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  1 krisbash 1.1 #ifndef _omiutils_h
  2              #define _omiutils_h
  4              #include <MI.h>
  5              #ifndef _NO_PAL
  6              #include <pal/palcommon.h>
  7              #include <pal/intlstr.h>
  8              #include <pal/strings.h>
 10              PAL_BEGIN_EXTERNC
 12              PAL_INLINE int Tcscmp_s(
 13                  _In_opt_z_ const TChar* s1, 
 14                  _In_opt_z_ const TChar* s2)
 15              {
 16                  if (!s1)
 17                      return (!s2)? 0:-1;
 18                  else if (!s2)
 19                      return 1;
 21                  return Tcscmp(s1, s2);
 22 krisbash 1.1 }
 24              PAL_INLINE int Tcscasecmp_s(
 25                  _In_opt_z_ const TChar* s1, 
 26                  _In_opt_z_ const TChar* s2)
 27              {
 28                  if (!s1)
 29                      return (!s2)? 0:-1;
 30                  else if (!s2)
 31                      return 1;
 33                  return Tcscasecmp(s1, s2);
 34              }
 36              MI_Result MI_CALL Instance_New(
 37                  _In_ const MI_ClassDecl* classDecl,
 38                  _Out_ MI_Instance **instance);
 40              /* Create ref-counted MI_Class with minimal memory allocations that allows properties/etc to be added efficiently.   
 41                     No reallocations should happen as all arrays like qualifier arrays will be pre-created to the correct size based on client telling us when necessary.
 42                     Note!!! If you say there are 5 items for an array and you add 6 it will corrupt the object as the arrays have a size, but don't have an allocated size.
 43 krisbash 1.1        MI_Class_Delete will be overloaded for this class such that it will bump down the refcount and if zero will delete it.
 44                     MI_Class_Clone can be overloaded to just bump the refcount (optional perf improvement).
 45                     All other MI_Class_* methods can be a pass-through to the main functions with no change as the rest of the object is the same.
 46                  */
 47                  MI_Result RCClass_New(
 48                      _In_opt_ MI_Class *parentClass, 
 49                      _In_opt_z_ const MI_Char *namespaceName, /* Not needed if parentClass is passed in */
 50                      _In_opt_z_ const MI_Char *serverName,    /* Not needed if parentClass is passed in */
 51                      _In_z_ const MI_Char *className, 
 52                      MI_Uint32 numberClassQualifiers,         /* number of extra class qualifiers you want to create.  Allowes us to pre-create array of correct size */
 53                      MI_Uint32 numberProperties,              /* number of extra properties you want to create.  Allowes us to pre-create array of correct size */
 54                      MI_Uint32 numberMethods,                 /* number of extra methods you want to create. Allowes us to pre-create array of correct size */
 55                      _Out_ MI_Class **newClass              /* Object that is ready to receive new qualifiers/properties/methods */
 56                      );
 58                  /* Add a qualifier to a ref-counted class.  The qualifier array needs to be pre-created by passing in the number of classQualifiers
 59                     to the RCClass_New API
 60                  */
 61                  MI_Result RCClass_AddClassQualifier(
 62                      _In_ MI_Class *refcountedClass, /* Object created from RCClass_New only */
 63                      _In_z_ const MI_Char *name,     /* qualifier name */
 64 krisbash 1.1         MI_Type type,                   /* Type of qualifier */
 65                      MI_Value value,                 /* Value of qualifier */
 66                      MI_Uint32 flavors);             /* Flavor of qualifier */
 68                  /* Array verion of RCClass_AddClassQualifier.  Pass in how many items there are and it returns a qualifier index to be used to add each
 69                   * item in tern.
 70                   */
 71                  MI_Result RCClass_AddClassQualifierArray(
 72                      _In_ MI_Class *refcountedClass,/* Object created from RCClass_New only */
 73                      _In_z_ const MI_Char *name,      /* qualifier name */
 74                      MI_Type type,                    /* Type of qualifier */
 75                      MI_Uint32 flavors,               /* Flavor of qualifier */
 76                      MI_Uint32 numberArrayItems,      /* Number of items in qualifier array */
 77                      _Out_ MI_Uint32 *qualifierIndex);/* this qualifier index */
 79                  /* Add an array item to the array created with call to RCClass_AddClassQualifierArray
 80                   */
 81                  MI_Result RCClass_AddClassQualifierArrayItem(
 82                      _In_ MI_Class *refcountedClass, /* Object created from RCClass_New only */
 83                      MI_Uint32 qualifierIndex,         /* qualifier index */
 84                      MI_Value value);                  /* value to add to array */
 85 krisbash 1.1 
 86                  /* Add a element to a ref-counted class.  The element array needs to be pre-created by passing in the number of classProperties
 87                     to the RCClass_New API
 88                  */
 89                  MI_Result RCClass_AddElement(
 90                      _In_ MI_Class *refcountedClass,  /* Object created from RCClass_New only */
 91                      _In_z_ const MI_Char *name,      /* element name */
 92                      MI_Type type,                    /* Element type */
 93                      MI_Value value,                  /* element default value */
 94                      MI_Uint32 flags,                 /* element flags */
 95                      _In_opt_z_ const MI_Char *associatedClassName, /* EmbeddedInstance class name or reference class name */
 96                      MI_Boolean propagated,
 97                      _In_opt_z_ const MI_Char *classOrigin,
 98                      MI_Uint32 numberElementQualifiers, /* Number of qualifiers this element is going to get.  Allows us to pre-create array of correct size */
 99                      _Out_ MI_Uint32 *elementId);
101                  MI_Result RCClass_AddElementArray(
102                      _In_ MI_Class *refcountedClass,  /* Object created from RCClass_New only */
103                      _In_z_ const MI_Char *name,      /* element name */
104                      MI_Type type,                    /* Element type */
105                      MI_Uint32 flags,                 /* element flags */
106 krisbash 1.1         _In_opt_z_ const MI_Char *associatedClassName, /* EmbeddedInstance class name or reference class name */
107                      MI_Boolean propagated,
108                      _In_opt_z_ const MI_Char *originClass,
109                      MI_Uint32 maxArrayLength,
110                      MI_Uint32 numberElementQualifiers, /* Number of qualifiers this element is going to get.  Allows us to pre-create array of correct size */
111                      MI_Uint32 numberPropertyArrayItems,
112                      _Out_ MI_Uint32 *elementId);
114                  MI_Result RCClass_AddElementArrayItem(
115                      _In_ MI_Class *refcountedClass,  /* Object created from RCClass_New only */
116                      MI_Uint32 elementId,      
117                      MI_Value value);                   /* element array item*/
119                  /* Add a element qualifierto a ref-counted class.  The element property qualifier array needs to be pre-created by passing in the correct numberPropertyQualifiers
120                     to the RCClass_AddElement API
121                  */
122                  MI_Result RCClass_AddElementQualifier(
123                      _In_ MI_Class *refcountedClass, 
124                      MI_Uint32 elementIndex, 
125                      _In_z_ const MI_Char *name, 
126                      MI_Type type, 
127 krisbash 1.1         MI_Value value,
128                      MI_Uint32 flavor) ;
130                  MI_Result RCClass_AddElementQualifierArray(
131                      _In_ MI_Class *refcountedClass,  /* Object created from RCClass_New only */
132                      MI_Uint32 elementId,               /* element index returned from RCClass_AddElement */
133                      _In_z_ const MI_Char *name, 
134                      MI_Type type, 
135                      MI_Uint32 flavor,
136                      MI_Uint32 numberItemsInQualifierArray,
137                      _Out_ MI_Uint32 *qualifierIndex) ;
139                  MI_Result RCClass_AddElementQualifierArrayItem(
140                      _In_ MI_Class *refcountedClass, 
141                      MI_Uint32 elementIndex, 
142                      MI_Uint32 qualifierIndex,
143                      MI_Value value) ;
145                  /* Add a method to a refcounted class.  The class method array was precreated by passing numberMethods to RCClass_New.
146                     Add the method in the next slot by querying how many methods are currently there.  Don't add more methods than 
147                     you said you wanted as the array is fixed.
148 krisbash 1.1     */
149                  MI_Result RCClass_AddMethod(
150                      _In_ MI_Class *refcountedClass, 
151                      _In_z_ const MI_Char *name, 
152                      MI_Uint32 flags,    /* Is this needed? */
153                      MI_Uint32 numberParameters, 
154                      MI_Uint32 numberQualifiers,
155                      _Out_ MI_Uint32 *methodID);
157                  /* Add a method qualifier to a refcounted class.  The method qualifier array was precreated by passing numberQualifiers to RCClass_AddMethod.
158                     Add the qualifier in the next slot by querying how many qualifiers are currently there.  Don't add more qualifiers than
159                     you said you wanted as the array is fixed
160                  */
161                  MI_Result RCClass_AddMethodQualifier(
162                      _In_ MI_Class *refcountedClass, 
163                      MI_Uint32 methodIndex, 
164                      _In_z_ const MI_Char *name, 
165                      MI_Type type, 
166                      MI_Value value,
167                      MI_Uint32 flavor);
169 krisbash 1.1     MI_Result RCClass_AddMethodQualifierArray(
170                      _In_ MI_Class *refcountedClass, 
171                      MI_Uint32 methodIndex, 
172                      _In_z_ const MI_Char *name, 
173                      MI_Type type, 
174                      MI_Uint32 flavor,
175                      MI_Uint32 numberItemsInArray,
176                      _Out_ MI_Uint32 *qualifierId);
178                  MI_Result RCClass_AddMethodQualifierArrayItem(
179                      _In_ MI_Class *refcountedClass, 
180                      MI_Uint32 methodIndex, 
181                      MI_Uint32 qualifierId, 
182                      MI_Value value);
184                  /* Add a method parameter to a refcounted class.  The method parameter array was precreated by passing numberParameters to RCClass_AddMethod.
185                     Add the parameter in the next slot by querying how many qualifiers are currently there.  Don't add more properties than 
186                     you said you wanted as the array is fixed
187                  */
188                  MI_Result RCClass_AddMethodParameter(
189                      _In_ MI_Class *refcountedClass, 
190 krisbash 1.1         MI_Uint32 methodIndex, 
191                      _In_z_ const MI_Char *name,
192                      _In_opt_z_ const MI_Char *refClassname,
193                      MI_Type type, 
194                      MI_Uint32 flags,
195                      MI_Uint32 maxArrayLength,
196                      MI_Uint32 numberQualifiers,
197                      _Out_ MI_Uint32 *parameterIndex);
199                  /* Add a method parameter qualifier to a refcounted class.  The method parameter qualifier array was precreated by passing numberQualifiers to RCClass_AddMethodProperty.
200                     Add the qualifier in the next slot by querying how many method property qualifiers are currently there.  Don't add more qualifiers than 
201                     you said you wanted as the array is fixed
202                  */
203                  MI_Result RCClass_AddMethodParameterQualifier(
204                      _In_ MI_Class *refcountedClass, 
205                      MI_Uint32 methodIndex, 
206                      MI_Uint32 parameterIndex, 
207                      _In_z_ const MI_Char *name, 
208                      MI_Type type, 
209                      MI_Value value,
210                      MI_Uint32 flavor);
211 krisbash 1.1 
212                  MI_Result RCClass_AddMethodParameterQualifierArray(
213                      _In_ MI_Class *refcountedClass, 
214                      MI_Uint32 methodIndex, 
215                      MI_Uint32 parameterIndex, 
216                      _In_z_ const MI_Char *name, 
217                      MI_Type type, 
218                      MI_Uint32 flavor,
219                      MI_Uint32 numberItemsInArray,
220                      _Out_ MI_Uint32 *qualifierIndex);
222                  MI_Result RCClass_AddMethodParameterQualifierArrayItem(
223                      _In_ MI_Class *refcountedClass, 
224                      MI_Uint32 methodIndex, 
225                      MI_Uint32 parameterIndex, 
226                      MI_Uint32 qualifierIndex,
227                      MI_Value value);
229                  MI_Result Class_New(
230                      _In_ const MI_ClassDecl *classDecl,
231                      _In_opt_z_ const MI_Char *namespaceName,
232 krisbash 1.1         _In_opt_z_ const MI_Char *serverName,
233                      _In_opt_ void *batch,
234                      _Out_ MI_Class **newClass);
236                  MI_Result Instance_InitDynamic(
237                  MI_Instance** self,
238                  const MI_Char* className,
239                  MI_Uint32 metaType);
241                  MI_Uint64 GetClassDeclId(_In_ const MI_ClassDecl* classDecl);
244              #endif
246              /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
247                  Creates a new instance of OMI_Error and sets the values of Message, 
248                  OMI_ErrorCode, OMI_ErrorType and OMI_ErrorCategory properties. 
249              ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
250              MI_Result MI_CALL CreateOMIError(
251                  _In_opt_z_ const MI_Char* message,
252                  MI_Uint32 errorCode, 
253 krisbash 1.1     _In_z_ const MI_Char* errorType, 
254                  MI_Uint16 errorCategory, 
255                  _Outptr_ MI_Instance **omiError);
257              #ifndef _NO_PAL
258              PAL_INLINE MI_Result CreateOMIError_IntlstrMessage(
259                  _In_ _At_(message.str, _Post_invalid_) Intlstr message,
260                  MI_Uint32 errorCode, 
261                  _In_z_ const MI_Char* errorType, 
262                  MI_Uint16 errorCategory, 
263                  _Outptr_ MI_Instance **omiError)
264              {
265                  MI_Result result = CreateOMIError(message.str, errorCode, errorType, errorCategory, omiError);
266                  Intlstr_Free(message);
267                  return result;
268              }
269              #endif
271              /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
272                  Creates a new instance of OMI_DebugError and sets the values of Message, 
273                  OMI_ErrorCode, OMI_ErrorType and OMI_ErrorCategory properties. 
274 krisbash 1.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
275              MI_Result MI_CALL CreateOMIDebugError(
276                  _In_opt_z_ const MI_Char* message,
277                  MI_Uint32 errorCode, 
278                  _In_z_ const MI_Char* errorType, 
279                  MI_Uint16 errorCategory, 
280                  _Outptr_ MI_Instance **omiError);
282              #ifndef _NO_PAL
283              PAL_INLINE MI_Result CreateOMIDebugError_IntlstrMessage(
284                  _In_ _At_(message.str, _Post_invalid_) Intlstr message,
285                  MI_Uint32 errorCode, 
286                  _In_z_ const MI_Char* errorType, 
287                  MI_Uint16 errorCategory, 
288                  _Outptr_ MI_Instance **omiError)
289              {
290                  MI_Result result = CreateOMIDebugError(message.str, errorCode, errorType, errorCategory, omiError);
291                  Intlstr_Free(message);
292                  return result;
293              }
294              #endif
295 krisbash 1.1 
296              MI_Result MI_CALL CreateOMIError_FromMiResult(
297                  MI_Result miResult,
298                  _Outptr_ MI_Instance **omiError);
300              MI_Result MI_CALL CreateOMIDebugError_FromMiResult(
301                  MI_Result miResult,
302                  _Outptr_ MI_Instance **omiError);
304              #ifndef _NO_PAL
305              PAL_END_EXTERNC
306              #endif
308              #endif /* _omiutils_h */

ViewCVS 0.9.2