(file) Return to Run.h CVS log (file) (dir) Up to [OMI] / omi / nits / base

  1 krisbash 1.1 //*****************************************************************************
  2              //  Copyright (C) 2008 Microsoft Corporation
  3              //  All rights reserved.
  4              //*****************************************************************************
  5              #ifndef __RUN_H__
  6              #define __RUN_H__
  8              #include "Globals.h"
 10              namespace TestSystem
 11              {
 13              using namespace std;
 15              bool ConfigureLocalInjection();
 17              class Param
 18              {
 19              public:
 20                  Param(_In_z_ const PAL_Char * name, _In_z_ const PAL_Char * value);
 21                  ~Param();
 22 krisbash 1.1 
 23                  const PAL_Char * m_name;
 24                  const PAL_Char * m_value;
 25              };
 27              class Module
 28              {
 29              public:
 30                  Module(_In_z_ const PAL_Char * name);
 31                  ~Module();
 33                  const PAL_Char * GetName() const {return m_name;}
 35                  void AddTest(_In_ Test *test);
 36                  void AddRun(_In_z_ const PAL_Char * command);
 37                  void Execute();
 39                  void SetLibrary(_In_ Shlib *lib);
 40                  void Unload();
 41              private:
 42                  size_t Find(_In_z_ const PAL_Char * test) const;
 43 krisbash 1.1     void RunTests(size_t start);
 44                  void RunMatchingTests(_In_z_ const PAL_Char * testNameSubstring);
 45                  void RunModuleLevelTests(bool runCleanup);
 47                  const PAL_Char * m_name;
 48                  Shlib *m_library;      //Freed after the test run.
 49                  vector<Test *> m_tests; //List of all tests in this module.
 50                  vector<PAL_Char *> m_runs;  //List of selected tests to run.
 51              };
 53              NITS_EXPORT bool NitsParseArgument(_In_z_ char *str);
 54              NITS_EXPORT int NitsExecuteRun();
 56              #ifdef _MSC_VER
 58              enum WTTLOGGER_TEST_RESULT
 59              {
 60                  WTTLOG_TESTCASE_RESULT_PASS      =0x1,
 61                  WTTLOG_TESTCASE_RESULT_FAIL      =0x2,
 62                  WTTLOG_TESTCASE_RESULT_BLOCKED   =0x3,
 63                  WTTLOG_TESTCASE_RESULT_WARN      =0x4,
 64 krisbash 1.1     WTTLOG_TESTCASE_RESULT_SKIPPED   =0x5
 65              };
 67              class CWTTLogger
 68              {
 70              public:
 71                  CWTTLogger()
 72                  {
 73                      library = LoadLibraryExW(L"WttLog.dll", NULL, 0);
 74                      WTTLogInit = (HRESULT (WINAPI *)())GetProcAddress(library, "WTTLogInit");
 75                      WTTLogUninit = (void (WINAPI *)())GetProcAddress(library, "WTTLogUninit");
 76                      WTTLogCreateLogDevice = (HRESULT (WINAPI *)(_In_opt_ LPWSTR, _Out_ LONG *))GetProcAddress(library, "WTTLogCreateLogDevice");
 77                      WTTLogCloseLogDevice = (HRESULT (WINAPI *)(_In_ LONG, _In_opt_ LPWSTR))GetProcAddress(library, "WTTLogCloseLogDevice");
 78                      WTTLogStartTest = (HRESULT (WINAPI *)(_In_ LONG, _In_ LPWSTR))GetProcAddress(library, "WTTLogStartTest");
 79                      WTTLogTrace = (HRESULT (WINAPI *)(LONG, DWORD, ...))GetProcAddress(library, "WTTLogTrace");
 80                      WTTLogEndTest = (HRESULT (WINAPI *)(_In_ LONG, _In_ LPWSTR, _In_ DWORD, _In_opt_ LPWSTR))GetProcAddress(library, "WTTLogEndTest");
 82                      WTTLogInit();
 83                  }
 85 krisbash 1.1     ~CWTTLogger()
 86                  {
 87                      WTTLogUninit();
 88                      FreeLibrary(library);
 89                  }
 91                  HRESULT CreateLogDevice
 92                      (
 93                      _In_opt_ LPWSTR pwszLogDeviceName,
 94                      _Out_    LONG* phDevice
 95                      )
 96                  {
 97                      return WTTLogCreateLogDevice(pwszLogDeviceName, phDevice);
 98                  }
100                  HRESULT CloseLogDevice
101                      (
102                      _In_opt_    LPWSTR  pwszLogDeviceName,
103                      _In_        LONG    hDevice
104                      )
105                  {
106 krisbash 1.1         return WTTLogCloseLogDevice(hDevice, pwszLogDeviceName);
107                  }
109                  HRESULT StartTest
110                      (
111                      _In_  LPWSTR   pwszTestName, // Name of the test case
112                      _In_  LONG     hDevice       // handle to the device
113                      )
114                  {
115                      return WTTLogStartTest(hDevice, pwszTestName);
116                  }
118                  HRESULT TraceMsg
119                  (
120                  _In_  LPWSTR   pwszTraceStr, // widechar string to trace
121                  _In_  LONG     hDevice       // handle to the device
122                  )
123                  {
124                      // WTT_LVL_MSG will need us to includ wttlogdef.h from test to avoid that, I am doing this here
125                      #define WTT_LVL_MSG 0x10000000  
126                      return WTTLogTrace(hDevice, WTT_LVL_MSG, pwszTraceStr);
127 krisbash 1.1     }
129                  HRESULT EndTest
130                      (
131                      _In_     LPWSTR pwszTestName, // Name of the test case
132                      _In_     DWORD dwResult,     // test result
133                      _In_opt_ LPWSTR pwszRepro,    // repro line
134                      _In_     LONG hDevice       // handle to the device
135                      )
136                  {
137                      return WTTLogEndTest(hDevice, pwszTestName, dwResult, pwszRepro);
138                  }
139              private:
140                  HMODULE library;
141                  HRESULT (WINAPI *WTTLogInit)();
142                  void (WINAPI *WTTLogUninit)();
143                  HRESULT (WINAPI *WTTLogCreateLogDevice)(_In_opt_ LPWSTR, _Out_ LONG *);
144                  HRESULT (WINAPI *WTTLogCloseLogDevice)(_In_ LONG, _In_opt_ LPWSTR);
145                  HRESULT (WINAPI *WTTLogStartTest)(_In_ LONG, _In_ LPWSTR);
146                  HRESULT (WINAPI *WTTLogTrace)(LONG, DWORD, ...);
147                  HRESULT (WINAPI *WTTLogEndTest)(_In_ LONG, _In_ LPWSTR, _In_ DWORD, _In_opt_ LPWSTR);
148 krisbash 1.1 };
149              #endif
151              NITS_EXTERN_C PAL_Uint32 THREAD_API _PipeThread(void* param);
153              // Represents the info needed to invoke a fixture
154              // used internally inside NITS to run fault simulation loop
155              class FixtureInvocation
156              {
157              public:
158                  FixtureInvocation(_In_opt_ FixtureInvocation *parentFixtureInvocationParam, _In_ BodyProc funcParam, _In_ void *selfContextParam, TestFixtureType fixtureTypeParam);
160                  void Execute();
162                  FixtureInvocation *parentFixtureInvocation; // this will be NULL for all fixtures except Cleanup
163                                                              // for cleanup fixture it will be used to keep track of the fixture for which this is Cleanup
164                  BodyProc func;
165                  void *selfContext;
166                  TestFixtureType fixtureType;
167                  bool executedInCurrentIteration;
168              };
169 krisbash 1.1 
170              class Run
171              {
172              public:
173                  static Run &GetInstance();
174                  static bool IsValid();
176                  Run();
177                  ~Run();
179                  Module &GetCurrentModule() const {return *m_loadingModule;}
180                  Test &GetCurrentTest() const {return *m_currentTest;}
182                  void AddTestVariationNode(Switch *mySwitch) { m_currentTestVariationNodes.push_back(mySwitch); }
183                  void ClearTestVariationNodes() { m_currentTestVariationNodes.clear(); }
185                  void AddFixtureInvocation(_In_opt_ BodyProc parentFixtureFuncParam, _In_ BodyProc funcParam, _In_ void *selfContextParam, TestFixtureType fixtureTypeParam); // adds fixture invocation, for cleanups, links fixture invocation to the parent
186                  void ClearFixtureInvocations(); // cleans up the fixture invocations 
188                  void ResetFixtureInvocationStateForRerun(); // resets the executedInCurrentIteration to false for all fixture invocations
189                  void ExecuteNextFixtureInvocationDuringFaultSim(); // looks at current result state from globals and decides what the next fixture invocation should be
190 krisbash 1.1 
191                  PAL_Char *GetTestVariationNodeNames();
192                  bool CurrentTestMatchesTestFilter();
194                  const PAL_Char * GetParam(_In_z_ const PAL_Char * name) const;
195                  const PAL_Char * GetDebugger() const {return m_debugger;}
196                  bool GetEnabled() const {return m_enabled;}
197                  bool GetFlaky() const {return m_flaky;}
198                  NitsFaultMode GetFaultMode() const {return m_simMode;}
199                  vector<int> const &GetFaultBreakpointList() const {return *m_bpFault;}
200                  Configuration const &GetConfiguration() const {return m_config;}
202                  bool IsParent() const {return !m_child;}
203                  bool IsChild() const {return m_child || !m_isolation;}
204                  bool IsSiteExcluded(int id) const;
206                  int  Execute();
207                  void ExecuteTest(_In_ Test *test, _In_opt_ const PAL_Char * choices, TestFixtureType executeIfTypeIs = BodyFixture);
209                  void ExecuteDeferredCleanup(_In_ Test *test);
211 krisbash 1.1     void SetDefaultOptions();
212                  void SetEnabled(bool enabled) {m_enabled = enabled;}
213                  void SetFlaky(bool flaky) {m_flaky = flaky;}
214                  void SetFaultMode(NitsFaultMode mode) {m_simMode = mode;}
215                  void SetExclusions(_In_reads_opt_(count) int sites[], int count);
216                  void ReportResult();
217                  bool ParseArgument(_In_ PWSTR arg);
218                  void PipeThread();
220                  void SetGlobalFaultSimBehavior(bool enabled) { m_fault = enabled; };
222                  void SetFaultInjectionLoopStatus(bool running) { m_runningFaultInjectionLoop = running; }
223                  bool InMiddleOfFaultInjectionLoop() { return m_runningFaultInjectionLoop; };
224                  bool DoneExecutingAllFixtureInvocations();
225              private:
226                  static Run *s_run;
228                  void AddModule(_In_z_ const PAL_Char * name);
229                  bool AddParam(_In_z_ const PAL_Char * name, _In_z_ const PAL_Char * value);
230                  bool AddRun(_In_z_ const PAL_Char * name, _In_z_ const PAL_Char * test);    
231                  void DumpPipe();
232 krisbash 1.1     unsigned ReportStatistics();
234                  vector<Module *> &Modules() {return *m_modules;}
235                  vector<Param *> &Params() {return *m_params;}
236                  vector<Module *> const &Modules() const {return *m_modules;}
237                  vector<Param *> const &Params() const {return *m_params;}    
239                  Test *m_currentTest;
240                  vector<Switch *> m_currentTestVariationNodes;
241                  // used to record all fixture invocations in the current test starting from 
242                  // topmost setup to all cleanups
243                  // this will be used to play back the test during fault simulation loop
244                  vector<FixtureInvocation *> m_currentTestFixtureInvocations;    
246                  Module *m_loadingModule;
247                  vector<Module *> *m_modules;
248                  vector<Param *> *m_params;
250                  //New options from command line.
251                  vector<int> *m_bpFault;     //List of fault iterations to break on.
252                  Configuration m_config;
253 krisbash 1.1     bool m_pause;               //Wait for input after testing?
254                  bool m_reset;               //Ignore existing test runs.
255                  const PAL_Char * m_debugger;          //Debug command line.
256                  const PAL_Char * m_binaryFilter;      //Semicolon-separated list; processes must contain one or more.
257                  const PAL_Char * m_binaryTarget;      //Semicolon-separated list of binaries to trap.
259                  // for filtering functionality based on fixture names
260                  const PAL_Char *m_testFilter;
261                  PAL_Char m_translatedTestFilter[1024];
263                  //Old options from command line.
264                  bool m_isolation;           //Run tests in child process?
265                  bool m_child;               //Run as child process?
266                  bool m_fault;               //Run automatic fault sim (affects V1 tests only!).
267                  const PAL_Char * m_wtt;               //WTT log file.
269                  bool m_finished;            //Stops pipe thread.
271                  int *m_statistics;
272                  int m_faultIterations;      //Cumulative fault injection iteration total.
274 krisbash 1.1     //TODO: Deprecate all these variables.
275                  //Run-time options set by Test object.
276                  bool m_enabled;             //If false, skips the test body.
277                  bool m_flaky;               //If true, skips the test body only if nits was called with parameter "-skipflaky".
278                  NitsFaultMode m_simMode;    //Default to Auto/Manual fault sim.
280                  int *m_exclusions;          //Sites waived during auto fault sim.
281                  int m_exclusionsCount;
283                  bool m_runningFaultInjectionLoop;
285                  size_t m_nextFixtureInvocationToExecute; // keeps track of what should be the next fixture invocation to be executed after current one returns
286              #ifdef _MSC_VER
287                  CWTTLogger *m_logger;
288                  long m_loggerHandle;    
289                  PAL_Char *m_testCase;
290                  PAL_Char *m_testCaseRepro;    
291                  long m_loggerTestResult;
292              #endif
293              };
295 krisbash 1.1 } //namespace TestSystem;
297              #endif // ndef __RUN_H__

ViewCVS 0.9.2