#include "like.h" #include #if defined(CONFIG_POSIX) # include #endif #include #define WILDCARD MI_T('%') #define ANYSINGLECHAR MI_T('_') #ifdef _PREFAST_ #pragma prefast (push) #pragma prefast (disable: 26018) #pragma prefast (disable: 26001) #endif enum { NO_MATCH = 0, MATCHED_WITH_WILDCARD_CHAR = 1, MATCHED_WITH_ONE_CHAR = 2, }; MI_INLINE ZChar _Toupper(ZChar c) { #if (MI_CHAR_TYPE == 1) return toupper(c); #else return towupper(c); #endif } MI_INLINE void _FinalizeMatchState( unsigned char** matchState) { if (*matchState != NULL) { PAL_Free(*matchState); *matchState = NULL; } } static int _EnsureMatchState( size_t stringLength, unsigned char** matchState) { size_t buffersize; _FinalizeMatchState(matchState); /* allocate buffer, which is 2 times (the string length + 1) */ buffersize = (stringLength + 1) << 1; *matchState = PAL_Malloc(buffersize * sizeof(unsigned char)); if ( *matchState == NULL ) return MI_FALSE; /* cleanup the memory */ memset(*matchState, 0, sizeof(unsigned char) * buffersize); /* start from [0,0], which is always matched */ (*matchState)[0] = MATCHED_WITH_ONE_CHAR; return MI_TRUE; } static void _SwitchRow( size_t rowSize, unsigned char** currentRow, unsigned char** previousRow) { unsigned char* tempRow = *currentRow; *currentRow = *previousRow; *previousRow = tempRow; /* cleanup the current row */ memset(*currentRow, 0, rowSize); } static int _MatchSet ( const ZChar* pattern, const ZChar* string, int *skip) { int bFnd; const ZChar* pos; int notinset; int matched; ZChar lastchar; /*this tells whether ']' is found or not */ bFnd = MI_FALSE; /* Skip the opening '['. */ pos = pattern+1; /* See if we are matching a [^] set. */ notinset = (*pos == '^'); if (notinset) pos++; /* See if the target character matches any character in the set. */ matched = MI_FALSE; lastchar = '\0'; while (*pos && *pos != ']' && !matched) { /* A range of characters is indicated by a '-' unless it's the first */ /* character in the set (in which case it's just a character to be */ /* matched. */ if (*pos == '-' && lastchar != '\0') { pos++; if (*pos && *pos != ']') { matched = (_Toupper(*string) >= lastchar && _Toupper(*string) <= _Toupper(*pos)); lastchar = _Toupper(*pos); pos++; } } else { /* Match a normal character in the set. */ lastchar = _Toupper(*pos); matched = (_Toupper(*pos) == _Toupper(*string)); if (!matched) pos++; } } /* Find the trailing ']'. If the set did not contain a closing ']' */ /* we return a failed match. */ while (*pos && *pos != ']') pos++; if (*pos == ']') { pos++; bFnd = MI_TRUE; } /*If ']' is not found and we reach end of string match is false */ /*since this is invalid pattern */ if (!*pos && !bFnd) matched = MI_FALSE; /* Done. */ *skip = (int)(pos-pattern); return matched == !notinset; } MI_Boolean WQL_MatchLike( _In_z_ const ZChar* pattern, _In_z_ const ZChar* string, ZChar escape) { size_t stringLength; size_t rowLength; const ZChar* orgString; unsigned char* matchState = NULL; unsigned char* currentRow; unsigned char* previousRow; if (!(*pattern) || !(*string)) { /* skip any trailing wildcard characters */ while (*pattern == WILDCARD) pattern++; if (!(*pattern) && !(*string)) return MI_TRUE; return MI_FALSE; } stringLength = Tcslen(string); rowLength = stringLength + 1; orgString = string; if (!_EnsureMatchState(stringLength, &matchState)) return MI_FALSE; currentRow = matchState + rowLength; previousRow = matchState; while (*pattern) { /* Wildcard match. */ if (*pattern == WILDCARD) { size_t c; /* skip any continuous wildcard characters */ while (*(pattern + 1) == WILDCARD) pattern++; for (c = 0; c <= stringLength; c++) { unsigned char match = previousRow[c]; size_t matchedPos; if (match == NO_MATCH) { continue; } /* found a prior pattern char matched, */ /* then mark that the current wildcard */ /* matching the remaining part of target string */ if (match == MATCHED_WITH_ONE_CHAR) { matchedPos = c + 1; /* current wild char still match, but it should be */ /* the same as its preivous pattern char, I.E., */ /* matched one char */ currentRow[c] = MATCHED_WITH_ONE_CHAR; } else { /* if previous one is a wildcard match, */ /* then this wildcard has the same matching result */ /* with preivous char */ matchedPos = c; } for (; matchedPos <= stringLength; matchedPos++) { currentRow[matchedPos] = MATCHED_WITH_WILDCARD_CHAR; } break; } _SwitchRow(rowLength, ¤tRow, &previousRow); pattern++; } /* Set match. */ else if (*pattern == '[') { size_t c; int foundMatch = MI_FALSE; int foundSkip = 0; /* find all matching points based on the */ /* previous matching result */ for (c = 0; c <= stringLength; c++) { unsigned char match = previousRow[c]; int skip; const ZChar* currentString; if (match == NO_MATCH) { continue; } currentString = orgString + c; if (match == MATCHED_WITH_WILDCARD_CHAR) { /* match the current char if preivous is a wildchar match */ /* otherwise match the next char */ currentString --; } else if (c == stringLength) { /* no match since no char left in target string */ break; } if (_MatchSet (pattern, currentString, &skip)) { size_t matchedPos; if (!foundMatch) { foundMatch = MI_TRUE; foundSkip = skip; } /* mark the current pattern char mataching result */ matchedPos = (size_t)(currentString - orgString) + 1; currentRow[matchedPos] = MATCHED_WITH_ONE_CHAR; } } _SwitchRow(rowLength, ¤tRow, &previousRow); /* no match */ if (!foundMatch) { break; } pattern += foundSkip; } /* Single character match. */ else { size_t c; int foundMatch = MI_FALSE; if (escape != '\0' && *pattern == escape) { pattern++; } /* find all matching points based on the */ /* previous matching result */ for (c = 0; c <= stringLength; c++) { unsigned char match = previousRow[c]; const ZChar* currentString; if (match == NO_MATCH) { continue; } currentString = orgString + c; if (match == MATCHED_WITH_WILDCARD_CHAR) { /* match the current char if preivous is a wildchar match, */ /* otherwise match the next char */ currentString --; } else if (c == stringLength) { /* no match since no char left in target string */ break; } if (_Toupper(*pattern) == _Toupper(*currentString) || *pattern == ANYSINGLECHAR) { size_t matchedPos; if (!foundMatch) { foundMatch = MI_TRUE; } /* mark the current pattern char mataching result */ matchedPos = (size_t)(currentString - orgString) + 1; currentRow[matchedPos] = MATCHED_WITH_ONE_CHAR; } } _SwitchRow(rowLength, ¤tRow, &previousRow); /* no match */ if (!foundMatch) { break; } pattern ++; } } /* Matched if the last pattern char mattached the last target string char */ /* NoMatch otherwise */ { MI_Boolean flag = (previousRow[stringLength] != 0) ? MI_TRUE : MI_FALSE; PAL_Free(matchState); return flag; } } #ifdef _PREFAST_ #pragma prefast (pop) #endif