/* **============================================================================== ** ** Open Management Infrastructure (OMI) ** ** Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation ** ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not ** use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy ** of the License at ** ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** ** THIS CODE IS PROVIDED *AS IS* BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY ** KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED ** WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ** MERCHANTABLITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. ** ** See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions ** and limitations under the License. ** **============================================================================== */ #include #include #include #include #include #include static MI_Uint16 PORT = ut::getUnittestPortNumber() + 10; using namespace std; /*************************************/ /* local data */ static Http* s_http; static bool s_stop; static ThreadHandle s_t; #if defined(_MSC_VER) #undef BEGIN_EXTERNC #undef END_EXTERNC #define BEGIN_EXTERNC #define END_EXTERNC #endif static void setUp() { PORT++; } static void cleanup() { } /* helper functions */ BEGIN_EXTERNC static void* MI_CALL _HTTPServerProc(void* ) { Sock_Start(); // pump messages for (; !s_stop; ) Http_Run( s_http, 1000 ); Sock_Stop(); return 0; } END_EXTERNC BEGIN_EXTERNC static void _StartHTTP_Server( HttpCallbackOnNewConnection callbackOnNewConnection, HttpCallbackOnCloseConnection callbackOnCloseConnection, HttpCallbackOnRequest callbackOnRequest, void* callbackData, const HttpOptions* options = 0) { /* create a server */ UT_ASSERT( MI_RESULT_OK == Http_New_Server( &s_http, 0, PORT, 0, callbackOnNewConnection, callbackOnCloseConnection, callbackOnRequest, callbackData) ); if (options) { UT_ASSERT( MI_RESULT_OK == Http_SetOptions( s_http, options) ); } /* create a thread for message consumption */ s_stop = false; UT_ASSERT(MI_RESULT_OK == Thread_Create( _HTTPServerProc, 0, &s_t)); } END_EXTERNC BEGIN_EXTERNC static void _StopHTTP_Server() { s_stop = true; UT_ASSERT(MI_RESULT_OK == Thread_Destroy( s_t, MI_TRUE )); UT_ASSERT( MI_RESULT_OK == Http_Delete(s_http) ); s_t = 0; s_http = 0; s_stop = false; } END_EXTERNC struct ThreadParam { string messageToSend; size_t bytesToSendPerOperation; string response; bool gotRsp; }; static Sock SockConnectLocal(unsigned short port) { Sock sock; Addr addr; MI_Result r; Sock_Start(); // Initialize address (connect using loopback). r = Addr_Init(&addr, "", port); UT_ASSERT(r == MI_RESULT_OK); // Create client socket. r = Sock_Create(&sock); UT_ASSERT(r == MI_RESULT_OK); r = Sock_Connect(sock, &addr); UT_ASSERT(r == MI_RESULT_OK); return sock; } /* simple http client */ BEGIN_EXTERNC static void* MI_CALL _http_client_proc(void* param) { ThreadParam* p = (ThreadParam*)param; Sock sock; MI_Result r; Sock_Start(); // Initialize address (connect using loopback). sock = SockConnectLocal(PORT); size_t sent = 0; size_t size_left = p->messageToSend.size(); const char* buf = p->messageToSend.c_str(); while ( size_left ) { size_t wantToSend = min(p->bytesToSendPerOperation, size_left); r = Sock_Write(sock, buf, wantToSend, &sent); //printf("size_left %d, r %d, sent %d, want-send %d\n", size_left, r, sent, wantToSend); if ( r != MI_RESULT_OK) { printf("size_left %d, r %d, want write %d, sent %d, le %d\n", (int)size_left, (int)r, (int)wantToSend, (int)sent, Sock_GetLastError()); ut::sleep_ms( 7000 ); } UT_ASSERT(r == MI_RESULT_OK); // printf("s: %d\n", (int)sent); size_left -= sent; buf += sent; ut::sleep_ms( 1 ); } // read response char r_buf[1024]; size_t read = 0; r = Sock_Read(sock, r_buf, sizeof(r_buf), &read); if (r) printf("s,r: %d, err %d\n", (int)read, Sock_GetLastError()); UT_ASSERT(r == MI_RESULT_OK); p->response = string(r_buf, r_buf + read); p->gotRsp = true; Sock_Close(sock); Sock_Stop(); return 0; } END_EXTERNC BEGIN_EXTERNC static void* MI_CALL http_client_proc(void* param) { try { return _http_client_proc(param); } catch (ut::UnittestException ex) { ex.m_testcase = "--http_client_proc"; testFailed(ex); } return 0; } END_EXTERNC struct CallbackStruct { string contentType; string charset; string authorization; string username; string password; size_t contentLength; string data; string response; CallbackStruct() : contentLength(0){} }; BEGIN_EXTERNC static void _HttpCallbackOnNewConnection( Http* /*http*/, void* /*callbackData*/, void* httpConnectionHandle, void** connectionData) { *connectionData = httpConnectionHandle; } END_EXTERNC BEGIN_EXTERNC static void _HttpCallbackOnCloseConnection( Http* /*http*/, void* /*callbackData*/, void* /*connectionData*/) { } END_EXTERNC BEGIN_EXTERNC static void _HttpCallbackOnRequest( Http* http, void* callbackData, void* connectionData, void* httpConnectionHandle, const HttpHeaders* headers, Page** page) { CallbackStruct* data = (CallbackStruct*)callbackData; UT_ASSERT(httpConnectionHandle == connectionData); // printf("cbt, %s\n", headers->authorization); if (headers->contentType) data->contentType = headers->contentType; if (headers->charset) data->charset = headers->charset; if (headers->authorization) data->authorization = headers->authorization; if (headers->username) data->username = headers->username; if (headers->password) data->password = headers->password; data->contentLength = headers->contentLength; data->data = string( (char*) ((*page)+1), ((char*)((*page)+1)) + (*page)->u.s.size); Page* rsp = (Page*)malloc(sizeof(Page) + data->response.size()); UT_ASSERT(rsp); rsp->u.s.size = data->response.size(); memcpy(rsp+1, data->response.c_str(), data->response.size()); Http_SendResponse( http, httpConnectionHandle, HTTP_ERROR_CODE_OK, &rsp ); if (rsp ) free(rsp); } END_EXTERNC static void TestHttpHappyPass() { Http* http = 0; CallbackStruct cb; cb.response = "Response"; /* create a server */ UT_ASSERT( MI_RESULT_OK == Http_New_Server( &http, 0, PORT, 0, _HttpCallbackOnNewConnection, _HttpCallbackOnCloseConnection, _HttpCallbackOnRequest, &cb) ); /* create a client */ ThreadParam param; ThreadHandle t; param.messageToSend = "POST /wsman HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Content-Type: application/soap+xml;charset=UTF-8\r\n" "User-Agent: Microsoft WinRM Client\r\n" "Host: localhost:7778\r\n" "Content-Length: 5\r\n" "Authorization: auth\r\n" "\r\n" "Hello"; param.bytesToSendPerOperation = 30000; param.gotRsp = false; UT_ASSERT(MI_RESULT_OK == Thread_Create( http_client_proc, ¶m, &t)); // pump messages for (int i = 0; !param.gotRsp && i < 10000; i++ ) Http_Run( http, 1000 ); // wait for completion and check that UT_ASSERT(MI_RESULT_OK == Thread_Destroy( t, MI_TRUE )); // check messages // printf("cb.auth is %s\n", cb.authorization.c_str()); UT_ASSERT( cb.authorization == "auth" ); UT_ASSERT( cb.contentType == "application/soap+xml" ); UT_ASSERT( cb.charset == "UTF-8" ); UT_ASSERT( cb.contentLength == 5 ); UT_ASSERT( cb.data == "Hello" ); //UT_ASSERT( param.response.find("Response") != string::npos ); UT_ASSERT( MI_RESULT_OK == Http_Delete(http) ); } static void TestHttp_BigLoad() { Http* http = 0; CallbackStruct cb; cb.response = string(256 * 1024, '*'); /* create a server */ UT_ASSERT( MI_RESULT_OK == Http_New_Server( &http, 0, PORT, 0, _HttpCallbackOnNewConnection, _HttpCallbackOnCloseConnection, _HttpCallbackOnRequest, &cb) ); /* create a client */ ThreadParam param; ThreadHandle t; param.messageToSend = "POST /wsman HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Content-Type: text\r\n" "User-Agent: Microsoft WinRM Client\r\n" "Host: localhost:7778\r\n" "Content-Length: 32999\r\n" "Authorization: auth\r\n" "\r\n"; param.messageToSend += string(32999, '.'); param.bytesToSendPerOperation = 8000; param.gotRsp = false; UT_ASSERT(MI_RESULT_OK == Thread_Create( http_client_proc, ¶m, &t)); // pump messages for (int i = 0; !param.gotRsp && i < 10000; i++ ) Http_Run( http, 1000 ); //printf("out of run\n"); // wait for completion and check that UT_ASSERT(MI_RESULT_OK == Thread_Destroy( t, MI_TRUE )); // check messages // printf("cb.auth is %s\n", cb.authorization.c_str()); UT_ASSERT( cb.authorization == "auth" ); UT_ASSERT( cb.password == "" ); UT_ASSERT( cb.username == "" ); UT_ASSERT( cb.contentType == "text" ); UT_ASSERT( cb.charset == "" ); UT_ASSERT( cb.contentLength == 32999 ); UT_ASSERT( cb.data == string(32999, '.') ); //UT_ASSERT( param.response.find("Response") != string::npos ); UT_ASSERT( MI_RESULT_OK == Http_Delete(http) ); } static void TestHttp_QuotedCharset() { Http* http = 0; CallbackStruct cb; cb.response = "Response"; /* create a server */ UT_ASSERT( MI_RESULT_OK == Http_New_Server( &http, 0, PORT, 0, _HttpCallbackOnNewConnection, _HttpCallbackOnCloseConnection, _HttpCallbackOnRequest, &cb) ); /* create a client */ ThreadParam param; ThreadHandle t; param.messageToSend = "POST /wsman HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Content-Type: application/soap+xml; \tcharset=\"UTF-16\"\t \r\n" "User-Agent: Microsoft WinRM Client\r\n" "Host: localhost:7778\r\n" "Content-Length: 5\r\n" "Authorization: auth\r\n" "\r\n" "aloha"; param.bytesToSendPerOperation = 30000; param.gotRsp = false; UT_ASSERT(MI_RESULT_OK == Thread_Create( http_client_proc, ¶m, &t)); // pump messages for (int i = 0; !param.gotRsp && i < 10000; i++ ) Http_Run( http, 1000 ); // wait for completion and check that UT_ASSERT(MI_RESULT_OK == Thread_Destroy( t, MI_TRUE )); // check messages // printf("cb.auth is %s\n", cb.authorization.c_str()); UT_ASSERT( cb.authorization == "auth" ); UT_ASSERT( cb.contentType == "application/soap+xml" ); UT_ASSERT( cb.charset == "UTF-16" ); UT_ASSERT( cb.contentLength == 5 ); UT_ASSERT( cb.data == "aloha" ); //UT_ASSERT( param.response.find("Response") != string::npos ); UT_ASSERT( MI_RESULT_OK == Http_Delete(http) ); } static void TestHttp_Base64Decoding() { Http* http = 0; CallbackStruct cb; cb.response = "Response"; /* create a server */ UT_ASSERT( MI_RESULT_OK == Http_New_Server( &http, 0, PORT, 0, _HttpCallbackOnNewConnection, _HttpCallbackOnCloseConnection, _HttpCallbackOnRequest, &cb) ); /* create a client */ ThreadParam param; ThreadHandle t; param.messageToSend = "POST /wsman HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Content-Type: application/soap+xml; \tcharset=\"UTF-16\"\t \r\n" "User-Agent: Microsoft WinRM Client\r\n" "Host: localhost:7778\r\n" "Content-Length: 5\r\n" "Authorization: Basic \t \tcm9vdDpPcHNNZ3IyMDA3UjI=\t \r\n" "\r\n" "aloha"; param.bytesToSendPerOperation = 30000; param.gotRsp = false; UT_ASSERT(MI_RESULT_OK == Thread_Create( http_client_proc, ¶m, &t)); // pump messages for (int i = 0; !param.gotRsp && i < 10000; i++ ) Http_Run( http, 1000 ); // wait for completion and check that UT_ASSERT(MI_RESULT_OK == Thread_Destroy( t, MI_TRUE )); // check messages // printf("cb.auth is %s\n", cb.authorization.c_str()); UT_ASSERT( cb.authorization == "" ); UT_ASSERT( cb.username == "root" ); UT_ASSERT( cb.password == "OpsMgr2007R2" ); UT_ASSERT( cb.contentType == "application/soap+xml" ); UT_ASSERT( cb.charset == "UTF-16" ); UT_ASSERT( cb.contentLength == 5 ); UT_ASSERT( cb.data == "aloha" ); //UT_ASSERT( param.response.find("Response") != string::npos ); UT_ASSERT( MI_RESULT_OK == Http_Delete(http) ); } static void TestHttp_InvalidBase64Data() { Http* http = 0; CallbackStruct cb; cb.response = "Response"; /* create a server */ UT_ASSERT( MI_RESULT_OK == Http_New_Server( &http, 0, PORT, 0, _HttpCallbackOnNewConnection, _HttpCallbackOnCloseConnection, _HttpCallbackOnRequest, &cb) ); /* create a client */ ThreadParam param; ThreadHandle t; /* send request with invalid base64 data; server should close connection */ param.messageToSend = "POST /wsman HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Content-Type: application/soap+xml; \tcharset=\"UTF-16\"\t \r\n" "User-Agent: Microsoft WinRM Client\r\n" "Host: localhost:7778\r\n" "Content-Length: 5\r\n" "Authorization: Basic \t \tcm9vd\xFE\xFF==\t \r\n" "\r\n" "aloha"; param.bytesToSendPerOperation = 30000; param.gotRsp = false; UT_ASSERT(MI_RESULT_OK == Thread_Create( http_client_proc, ¶m, &t)); // pump messages for (int i = 0; !param.gotRsp && i < 10000; i++ ) Http_Run( http, 1000 ); // wait for completion and check that UT_ASSERT(MI_RESULT_OK == Thread_Destroy( t, MI_TRUE )); // check messages // printf("cb.auth is %s\n", cb.authorization.c_str()); UT_ASSERT( param.response.empty() ); UT_ASSERT( cb.authorization == "" ); UT_ASSERT( cb.username == "" ); UT_ASSERT( cb.password == "" ); UT_ASSERT( cb.contentType == "" ); UT_ASSERT( cb.charset == "" ); UT_ASSERT( cb.contentLength == 0 ); UT_ASSERT( cb.data == "" ); UT_ASSERT( MI_RESULT_OK == Http_Delete(http) ); } BEGIN_EXTERNC static void _HttpCallbackOnRequest_NeverCalled( Http* , void* , void* , void* , const HttpHeaders* , Page** ) { UT_ASSERT_FAILED_MSG("should be never called"); } END_EXTERNC BEGIN_EXTERNC static void _ConnectToServerExpectConnectionDrop(const string& data, MI_Uint32 sleepInsideSendMS) { Sock sock; MI_Result r; // Initialize address (connect using loopback). sock = SockConnectLocal(PORT); size_t sent = 0; size_t size_left = data.size(); const char* buf = data.c_str(); while ( size_left ) { size_t wantToSend = size_left; /* send all but last bytes; sleep before sending last byte */ if (wantToSend > 1) { wantToSend--; } else { /* sleep before sending last byte */ ut::sleep_ms(sleepInsideSendMS); } r = Sock_Write(sock, buf, wantToSend, &sent); //if (r != MI_RESULT_OK) //printf("errno %d\n", errno); UT_ASSERT(r == MI_RESULT_OK || (r == MI_RESULT_FAILED && 1 == wantToSend) ); //printf("s: %d\n", (int)sent); if (0 == sent) break; size_left -= sent; buf += sent; } if (sent != 0) { // read response char r_buf[1024]; size_t read = 0; r = Sock_Read(sock, r_buf, sizeof(r_buf), &read); //printf("s,r: %d, res = %d\n", (int)read, (int)r); UT_ASSERT(r == MI_RESULT_OK || r == MI_RESULT_FAILED); UT_ASSERT(read == 0); } Sock_Close(sock); } END_EXTERNC static void TestHttp_HeaderTooBig() { // send huge http header and expecting connection to be dropped _StartHTTP_Server( _HttpCallbackOnNewConnection, _HttpCallbackOnCloseConnection, _HttpCallbackOnRequest_NeverCalled, 0); string data = "POST /wsman HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Content-Type: ct\r\n" "User-Agent: Microsoft WinRM Client\r\n" "Host: localhost:7778\r\n" "Content-Length: 5\r\n" "Authorization: auth\r\n"; data += string("hugeAttribute: ") + string(4096, 'x') + string("\r\n"); data += "\r\n" "Hello"; _ConnectToServerExpectConnectionDrop(data, 0); _StopHTTP_Server(); } static void TestHttp_TimeoutMidPacket() { HttpOptions options = {1000}; /* 1 ms */ // send http header with delay in the middle of the package and expecting connection to be dropped _StartHTTP_Server( _HttpCallbackOnNewConnection, _HttpCallbackOnCloseConnection, _HttpCallbackOnRequest_NeverCalled, 0, &options); string data = "POST /wsman HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Content-Type: ct\r\n" "User-Agent: Microsoft WinRM Client\r\n" "Host: localhost:7778\r\n" "Content-Length: 5\r\n" "Authorization: auth\r\n" "\r\n" "Hello"; _ConnectToServerExpectConnectionDrop(data, 100); _StopHTTP_Server(); } static void TestHttp_LongContent() { HttpOptions options = {1000}; /* 1 ms */ // send http header with delay in the middle of the package and expecting connection to be dropped _StartHTTP_Server( _HttpCallbackOnNewConnection, _HttpCallbackOnCloseConnection, _HttpCallbackOnRequest_NeverCalled, 0, &options); string data = "POST /wsman HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Content-Type: ct\r\n" "User-Agent: Microsoft WinRM Client\r\n" "Host: localhost:7778\r\n" "Content-Length: 5\r\n" "Authorization: auth\r\n" "\r\n" "Hello (this part of the message is not accounted for n content-length and may cause buffer overrun)"; _ConnectToServerExpectConnectionDrop(data, 100); _StopHTTP_Server(); } static void RunTests() { Sock_Start(); UT_TEST(TestHttp_BigLoad); UT_TEST(TestHttpHappyPass); UT_TEST(TestHttp_QuotedCharset); UT_TEST(TestHttp_Base64Decoding); UT_TEST(TestHttp_HeaderTooBig); UT_TEST(TestHttp_TimeoutMidPacket); UT_TEST(TestHttp_InvalidBase64Data); UT_TEST(TestHttp_LongContent); Sock_Stop(); } UT_ENTRY_POINT(RunTests);